
I keep having these dreams...?

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I keep having these dreams that I'm on a huge stage and there are like ten thousand people in the crowd. I'm singing a song I've never heard before, and then I saw some famous people in the crowd. After the one song, I ran off the stage and started crying. I don't have stage fright or anything in real life--I love preforming! I keep having these dreams, but after I "run off the stage," a different person chases after me. Sorry if this is confusing, but what does this mean? Thanks :]




  1. the stage represents your behavior, manipulation of and relationships with others. It is telling of your interactions with society. is the crowd mean or happy?  To see an unruly crowd in your dream, signifies that the worries and problems around you are pressing in on you. You will be be greatly distressed. To see a happy, orderly crowd in your dream, denotes assured happiness, pleasant friends and opportunities for advancement. the celebrites may mean you want to meet them someday or you look up to them. you running off stage means that you are "running" away from something in your life. The song may have a message. You should have listened to it. It could contain messages that could help you in life. your crying means that you are safely letting out your emotions. the chaser represents the part of you that us "hidden" or that you want everyone to see but cant or dont want to. They are trying to catch up with you, to let you express them without fear. Hope this helps!

  2. God is showing you what you where meant to do in life. The person chasing after you is Jesus if you accept Him into your life all things are possible with God. Your dreams just may become a reality. It does not mean you wont go thrugh hard times we all do. But with God all things are possibel. Years ago I dreampt of having my own business guess what I do and not only that my garments have been on T.V. and I perform too in dance.  

  3. Dreams have nothing to do with real life. They are your inner mind flashing images and memories before your eyes. If you are around the ages 14-18, then you can be have weird dreams all the time due to hormones working to help you grow while you're sleeping.

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