
I keep having these sharp continuous stinging pains on the lower right side of my back?

by  |  earlier

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could anyone know why or what it is?

it just came on a few hours ago and its starting to really bug me.

additional info: i have been going to the gym a lot recently and have muscle pains.




  1. drink more water at the gym, and take it easy. could be a pinched nerve or maybe a tear or poss just a strain. either way, take it easy and get a massage if need be.

  2. It could be the gym

    Are you a beginner?

    If you're new to working out it could cause this

    But I would see a doctor

  3. it could be your kidneys..

    try drinking lots of water and cranberry juice, and for the muscle pains dont take anything that filters through your kidneys, take asprin or ibprofen.

    if u have nay pain while peeing or once ur done peeing u feel like u have to go again it could be a kidney infection or something like that and if u pee blood go to the ER

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