
I keep having these thoughts and dreams that my step grandmother will die...?

by Guest33586  |  earlier

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the first one my friends that i dont like that much next to me talking to me and one of them was like look at your dad so i looked the other way and i saw him crying and screaming and shouting: i want to see her death other friend started to cry...

the other one i dream is about two guys in my class (and trust me i don't have a crush on them) i was talking to them in the dream but they werent replying....and plus my dad was sitting next to me and in the dream i was having these thoughts about her death....

am i weird??? or am i dreaming whats gnna happen??




  1. Shouldn't this be in the Dream Interpretation section?

  2. Death in dreams usually mean new life, or so I've read. So maybe someone you know is going to be pregnant soon.

  3. I guess you'll just have to wait and see...

  4. dreams can predict the future

    im not saying your dream is coming true but it might or some parts may come true,but dont worry yourself

  5. It could be a premanition (spelling) of what might happen. Or you could just be worried about her death so much that you are dreaming about it.

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