
I keep having this dream over and over. What could it mean?

by  |  earlier

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Here is the dream:

I'm in a field with my best friend, there is a highway beside the field, cars go by but they are silent. A little boy (that for some reason I know I am babysitting), comes running to us. Then after he comes a horse follows. The little boy somehow gets on the horse. Then my best friends runs off. I try to get the boy off the horse because I tell him its dangerous. The boy is about to fall off the horse when I wake up.

I've had this dream about 5 times.

It first started at about age 7, then at age 10 then I had it a few times around the ages 11,12, and 13.

I remember every part of the dream in detail. What does this mean?

And another thing I noticed, whenever something sad happens in my life (like losing a pet), I'll have the dream. Like when my parents divorced, I had the dream. And when I moved to my dads I had the dream, and when my dog Misty died, I had the dream again.





  1. The highway and the cars could both represent the fact that you easily deal with every day difficulties.  Regarding trafic, cars on a highway will drive most people crazy, and the fact that in your dream they are silent, it means that when it comes to every day life, to you at least, its a breeze.  You are naturally well organized and disciplined; its instinct.

    However, you are so well organized and disciplined, that the little boy and the horse, both representative of your emotions, are trying to get your attention.  Note how they both arrive the moment your friends runs off.  What that dream represents, is that you are naturally well organized and disciplined, but to be that way means that you frequently lose touch with other people, and that you retreat into robotic, unemotional discipline, the moment something sad happens.

    You are probably one of those people who keeps their room spotless, impecably organized, and when you are sad, you clean it until it shines, or you do something to keep yourself busy.  It would not surprise me if you were either a good student, or an honor student, because of that tendency of yours.  However, you will have to learn to connect with other people.

    You telling the little boy "its dangerous" to be on a highway, you are telling your emotions not to get in the way of your perfect disciplined world.  The only way for you to resolve this dream is to speak at length with your parents, and find out the root cause as to why you can't connect with people.  It could have something to do with a tragic loss, not necessarily their fault.  The horse represents nature, and the fact that its in the middle of a highway means, that too much inorganic discipline, will lead to a cold, sterile life.  Similar to the lives of corporate suits from the United State's large cities.

    The hose is there to show you, that not just the organized world of human kind (at least in industrialized countries) has strength, but that nature has strength too.  The little boy is representative of your emotions, and the need for it to get on that horse represents the need for you to draw strength from nature.

    The trauma is rooted in something that likely happened during a family outing; your parents took you camping, there was a tragedy, and you have not gone ever since.  Mother nature is trying to tell you it wasn't your fault whatever it was, and to reconect with her.

    Hiding in an overly organized, sterile world, is not going to help anything.

    My interpretation could be off but, I hope it helps.  Oh and, for the reccord, I am a descendant of the Biblical Daniel, another dream interpreter.

    However I doubt I can do the job as well as him.

  2. Highway= Sense of direction which way life should take you. ( If the road is smooth you will have peace...bumpy means distress ).

    Silence= you cant express yourself or say how you feel.

    Little boy= someone has carried over into your dream world from the living world think back at the time divorce, death... your trying to protect someone.

    Horse= Strong physical energy.  you are trying to "tame" or stop someone from messing around or doing something foolish.

    Friend runs away= you avoid issues. run away from things.

    Boy almost falls= you are insecure and unstable with a situation.

  3. Sometimes your mind represents things in different ways. For instance, it seems to me that this little boy on the horse could be you - not meaning you're a little boy on a horse, but meaning that you are represented in that danger.  When dreams happen when you are stressed or sad, they sometimes try to convey what you truly feel.  This boy falling off the horse could be you in the idea that you "fall" from happiness or relaxation into bad or stressful situations.  And if these things, such as your parents divorcing, happened abruptly and took you by surprise, it could show the fall as being a connection to that feeling - the feeling of "why is this happening all of a sudden?!"

    And as for you being in there, babysitting that child, that could be your inner self telling you not to worry.  You're babysitting the pain or stress you feel, so you don't become a depressed person or feel bad all the time.  It's a sort of comfort, the same comfort a child feels when around someone who wants to protect them - the way most babysitters want to protect the child they're caring for.

    I don't want to assume your feelings, or try to say that my interpretation is the one you should believe.  This is just how I feel it is meant to be ^_^ but by all means feel free to disagree.

  4. You have unresolved issues that are imprinted in your psyche. Since your subconcious kept repeating these dream, then I guess it relays that you need help with these unresolved issues.

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