
I keep having this dream ...?

by  |  earlier

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I always have this really weird dream , that the world has some kind of weird plague . I always live in a diffrent house ... I always see the dead people in the water/sea (I live next to a beach , so that's why) , I always go to walmart , and I never get sick , just other people around me . It feels so real , sometimes I have to check the news and stuff . What does this dream mean ? Why ?




  1. you fear that with all the world occurrences and the economy that something bad will happen to world kind. this is your subconscious manifesting in your dreams. also are you under stress? stress can give you dreams of doom, as well as something you may be eating before bed.  

  2. you are going to die........ im just kidding you are probaly having problems that relate to that but you dont dream about that thing because you dont want to face it so before you go to bed think about other things instead of that and maybe you will dream a better dream

  3. I  think your dream means that you are special and everything around you is out of control and in disarray, but it doesn't effcet or touch you, you're immune and protected.

  4. It's probably just a bad dream, but if you're really concerned about it, you should see a therapist.

  5. one possibility is that u might be watching more and more action or horror movies

    but don't worry u have a happy news check this out

    try to interpret ur dream ,,,n try to find if there r any symbols..every symbols have their own interpretation..try to Google u will get the symbol interpretation

    for symbol dictionary u go here...

    or else if u want to get rid of this ****, then before going to bed try to listen to instrumental or soothing music and with a decent relaxing book

  6. It probably is your subconscious venting your fear of germ war-fare, try to remember little details in your dream, like what is going on in the back ground, maybe your missing something, you could even be having a past life dream, you could go get regressed and see, back when the bubonic plague came about people were passing away, just as you are describing, maybe in your past life you witnessed this horror and your sub-subconcious is remembering it, rethink the details of it, and if you are still be haunted by this dream, maybe check into getting regressed to see if that may be what it is, Good luck....

  7. mb u can read a happy book befor going to sleep

  8. after reading the ocd bit...i think its just your dreams telling you about that...

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