
I keep having this dream....?

by  |  earlier

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Im in a large hotel hall in a room with a few of my friends and then gun men come in and start shooting and killing people and the only way to survive is to make it out of the hall and into the hotel part. ive had the dream the past for nights and each time there has been a different girl with me, the first one is my girlfriend and i take a bullet to save her, the second on is one of my close friends, and i leave her behind and save myself, the third one is another one of my close friends and this time i tell her to go to the hotel and then leave her, and the fourth one is a girl im good friends with and this time i bring her with me to the hotel side. What could this possibly mean? and no im not on any medication nor am i on any drugs.




  1. Its showing how you feel to your friends

  2. may be intution of future

  3. It maybe means uve been watching way to many tv

    or it means u need to find a gf.

    one sec. im gonna search brb....


    sorry couldnt find anything.

  4. You could be subconciously stressed about something involving females. You might feel the need to protect them but for some reason are unable and it's digging into your subconcious.

    Or maybe you've watched a few too many action or horror flicks lately?

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