
I keep having this dream...?

by Guest63964  |  earlier

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I don't have this dream everyday, but once or twice a month...

but what's disturbing to me is, I been having these dreams since I was a little boy..


so I go down the stairs and suddenly realize the stairs had a dead end, and now I am falling and falling, anytime to crash on the floor...

I think this dream has a great effect on me in real life... because every time i go to the mall, I go by the third floor, and look down and I just can't take it, i feel like some lightning just hit my legs...

they don't shake, it's a very weird feeling, I feel like a electrical bolt has just touched my legs... i try to face it every time, but fail. maybe its just my fear of heights, but it can't be this bad.. 3 floors only, and I feel dizzy and my legs act weird... and another weird thing is, when i see someone else leaning and looking down, I feel the same things on my leg again.. especially when someone close to me does that... what can I do?? and is this fear related to my dream?




  1. Indeed, there is some fear in you life.  However, there may be more to it.  

    When you projecting falling and falling and crash on the floor symbolize the low self confidence in you.  That may be about some decision making you make and you may be feeling uncertain and that leads to low confidence.  

    If you boost up your self image or self confidence, this kind of falling dream may go away and you may be able to feel strong in your subcoscious mind.

  2. I have re-occuring stair dreams also,, but they're usually different every time. I was stumped on it too. I have dreams I climb and climb stairs then I get to the end, where the stairs had broken off.

      & I go down stairs, and then it turns into a slide, and I slide down, and I'll never forget the dream I had where I was sitting on a tall white marble stairs, at the beach, right off of the ocean, The water kept getting higher and higher, and I had no where to go, but the water was warm, and everything was sky blue, and I stayed to drown..The waves eventually just engulfed the entire stair case, while I sat there and just surrended to it. (that was a strange one)

         STAIRS : Stairs in dreams generally mean that you are coming to a conclusion about some issue. The ground floor in dreams symbolises the reality in any given situation - the facts. The upstairs symbolises the higher consciousness or conclusions surrounding some issue. It means that you have come to a decision. Going up and down stairs may suggest that you are coming to some new conclusions or keep changing your mind. Sometimes the upstairs may symbolise your imagination and instincts. But really it is a complex symbol and its best to read through the entire article to understand the various meanings.

      I found that in this dream dictionary..this site impressed me.

  3. omg, ive felt the same too. i used to hate the mall, cause every time i went there, i wud feel liek the floor was lurching under me, an i felt so dizzy. i dont get those feelings anymore, but theve left me afraid of hights. perhaps its soemthing medical?? ♥

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