
I keep having this re-occuring dream. im 13?

by  |  earlier

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i've had this dream 3 times now. i'll tell you the most recent one.

every year my family has a reunion at a lake with cabins and all that jazz. well in my dream i was at a lake that looked nothing like my famil yreunion lake (but i knew in my dream that that's where i was) there were 3 individual lakes/ponds, together forming the shape of a cresent. in the first pond, there were paranas and giant prehistoric looking fish. on the side of the first pond there was like this little bait fish place. in the second pond there were these white alligator things that also looked perhistoric and there was a rope hanging from a tree on the bank. in the third pond i didn't know what was in there but i knew it wasn't safe. above the third pond was a tree house. i was with my friend erin and she jumped into the 2nd pond. she started swimming and i told her in a very casual voice - erin, you might want to get out of there. she asked why and i said - cuz it's dangerous. when she started CONTINUED




  1. wow..that is a really random dream..i have had dreams that are even more random than that and they occur every night for like 1 week...sorry you are having troubles i hate that

  2. Possibly the dreams are problems. Obviously various ones presented in your life. Your family being involved with the first pond can mean that you have a somewhat complicated or complex problem with your family and they don't seem to listen to you. The bait shop can possibly mean that it can be fixed with the help of other (not your family)

    The second pond displays a problem including a friend and you warning her about some sort of set-up and her not listening to your warning; which ends in her getting hurt.

    The third is worry, you might be nervious about something in life or unsure about something coming up. I suggest swimming in the third pond. One of those "face the facts" type things. Who knows maybe that'll stop the dreams or it'll turn out good. And the little club house above the pond is your safe place. Where you feel safest. Go out and be adventurous.

    That's how I see it. Dreams are your subconscious telling you things.

    ~Hope I helped. Good Luck!

  3. its a sing listen to your dreams there are not dreams they are you trying to tell you something try picturing your next reunion like a mental movie and if your next dream is like the way you seen it in your head then it might be something that is going to happen at your next reunion

    HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!

  4. dreams are normally the things in teh back of your head not fears

    so maybey thinking about this dream might make you dream of somthing else

  5. verbally tell it to someone and it'll go for me and all of my nightmares.

  6. Okay, dreams are a window to your soul, so talk to someone about it. Or ask yourself, is something bothering me? If so, tell someone, a parent or a guardian, or even a friend. Please taek my advice-this has happened to me also.

  7. maybe its just a dream...maybe it doesnt mean anything

  8. i know i'm not helping at all but here's m opinion. sry if it makes u mad that i didnt actually answer your question.

    the bible says dreams are NOT signs. it says dreams are just dreams. thoughts in your sleep. your imagination at work while you're unconcious. so the guy that said it was a sign is obviously dumb. no offense.

    as many ppl have said, talk to someone about it. not in a joking matter. just sit down and eplain it to someone. it helps me. i hope i help a little. about it.

  9. This dream has significant meaning, The interpretation required little meditation on my part to get the answers I needed for you. I’m afraid, at 13 years old, you may not be old enough to comprehend its spiritual and precognitive message, but here goes.

    The three ponds represent the following: The first pond represents the dominion of principalities and powers that exist in the heavenly realms. The Bait shop represents temptation. The second pond represents ethereal spirits and demons that are connected to our world. This connection is represented by the rope hanging from the tree which is our earth, and reality as you know it. The third pond represents your immediate neighborhood, where you live, or those in your family your not comfortable around. Again there is a tree house, this is your safe haven. Your special place of refuge.

    Your friend, Erin, being bit in the second pond, is a warning to you that she will be influenced by earth bound spirits. It also tells me you are a good and caring friend who will watch for trouble that she is most likely going to get into. The part where she got out and you started walking together, means you will fight the good fight for your friend no matter what. You will stand up for her and be very influential in helping her if she continues to be led astray by her being influenced by the spirits.

    Your casualness in the time of despair in this dream means you are a very strong person. I don’t mean physically, but in a way that inspires others when times get tough.

    In the first dream where your family is swimming in the first pond, shows me they are doing things you know are wrong. You stand your ground and refuse to go in. This is great! It means your not so easily tempted to do that which is not good. It also tells me you’re a very mature for a young lady of 13. Why? Because you refused to go in even when your family was asking you to. Even when they make that which is wrong seem ok, you refused to go in. That’s Fantastic! I wish there were more young people in the world like you. You’re a very special person, you knew this dream was something important. Although it didn’t make any sense to you at all.

    But wait, there is more. This is the really bad part. But I know you can handle it.

    Your cousin will be enjoying, and may be too lost in his sin to be saved. He needs a lot prayer and understanding on your part, for what I see as long struggle with drugs or alcohol addiction.

    I’ll say a prayer too for him. Maybe it’s not to late.

    My advice to you is this.

    Be watchful of family members you have a bad feeling about. Don’t ever let yourself be alone with them until your at least 17 or 18.

    Don’t loose your gift of spiritual intuition. And don’t be afraid to act on it.

    Try to be companionate and understanding with your cousin. (he needs a lot of love right now)

    And last, keep on dream’n baby!

    Thanks for sharing that dream, the interpretation given me was very inspiring.

  10. OKay, I don't have to read the story to just tell you it's your brain that comes with things that you remember.  It may show fear or it may show something you are fond of.  You certainly are thinking of it and that's why you have these dreams.  It's common to all people to have dreams where it re-occurs

  11. Dreams can be many things they can have no meaning and are filled with things that are stored in our memory.  but often they contain clues about what is troubling us, those dreams are often repeated with slight changes like yours. But one interpretation is that you feel like no one listens to you, something happened in the past that you think could have been prevented . you are trying to protect the people you care about but they won't listen to you. your family and friends do things you don't approve of.

  12. It means nothing. It's called a dream.

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