
I keep having wierd dreams. Can someone like Interpret them?

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Ok. I keep having wierd dreams. Like where somethng is chasing me so I steal a car. It's different everytime and the person who is chasing me changes and the person who's car I'm stealing changes. I don't want a car im in 8th grade. But it's starting to get annoying and really wierd cuz it's happened over 20 times EVERY...SINGLE...NIGHT! So I kinda wanna know what it might mean and what I can do to make it stop. Well thanks and please leave plenty of answers, anything will help. ILY! :)




  1. Dream interpretation is in my eyes kind of vague.  I won't do it but I will tell you what I learned in Psychology class about dreams.

    They are simply what is known as your sub-conscious mind expressing itself.  You can have these kinds of dreams for many different reasons.  Age is one thing that causes strange dreams.  So is the type of television of movies you watch-likewise the video games you play.  I have had several head injuries and I have some really wild dreams sometimes.

    It's nothing to worry about.  Remind yourself that it was just a dream.  Think of it like this.  When you are sick to your stomach and you get sick or you feel really bloated and then all of a sudden you have to run use the bathroom and you immediately begin to feel better because your body is relieving itself of waste.  Your brain works much in the same way.  When you are having a nightmare and you wake up and realize it was just a dream, do you not immediately feel better.

    When you dream your brain is essentially expelling what it considers waste.

    Anyway don't worry about weird dreams, they pass.

    Good luck

  2. I believe it a dream that you are having to be free and to live happy without the pressure of life

  3. You should read The Dream Game by Ann Faraday, it can teach you to easily understand your own dreams. It's not wise to depend on the interpretations of others since they aren't you and your dreams depend solely on how you perceive things.

  4. Car:

    The car in your dream may symbolize the physical self or ego development and ego function. In that, it represents the way that you travel through your life's journey. Consider all of the details in the dream, including its emotional content (e.g. difficulty of the road, identity of the driver, direction of the incline). Recurring car dreams usually deal with life's major themes that may include issues of control and sensibility. By carefully examining this dream, you may gain insight into important areas of life, including to how well you are navigating from one stage of your life to another, if you are assertive and take charge or are passive. Dreaming about traveling in a car is a very, very common dream theme that provides valuable information in regard to a specific part of or long-standing theme in your life's journey. See also: Journey, Road


    Folklore interpretations say that if you are looking at a chase or participating in it, you will have a comfortable old age. Although this may be comforting, there is a more realistic understanding of this activity in a dream. If you are being chased, maybe you are running away from or trying to escape those things that are frightening and unpleasant (possibly your own habits and negative behaviors). If you are doing the chasing, it may be that you are expressing some aggressive feelings toward others or are pursuing a very difficult goal. On the deepest level, if a stranger is chasing you it may represent your chasing a part of yourself, the unconscious attempts to catch up with the conscious in order for you to become more aware of yourself and your own multidimensional nature.

  5. The site says u r looking for personal powers.

    Go to then click on fun then click on freaky dream analyzer

  6. I understand that you're tired of having these dreams but obviously your mind is trying to tell you something and you're not "getting the picture." 8th grade is a time when you're going through a lot of changes, and lots of people feel isolated or alone when they go thru this. This could be represented by the constant changing of the chaser/car. As for the getting chased part, maybe you a envious or coveting a friend for having, say, a nice car or something? but you feem ashamed subconciously and you're trying to escape from the feelings.

  7. actually, idk. try

  8. Dont eat before you go to bed

    Dont drink caffeine before bed

    Just before you go to sleep, try thinking about something you want to dream about.  Think hard about it.  Tell yourself to dream about.  it's called Lucid Dreaming

  9. Dreams are a reflection of what we hope will happen or what we fear will happen.  Clearly, your dream is about what you fear will happen.  It seems that you are feeling threatened.  I have rarely met an 8th grader who does not feal threatened.  Kids your age can be really brutal towards one another, so it is a scary time of life.  I always felt that the worst fear at that age was not so much the fear of being hurt (beat up) but the fear of being dominated by someone.  Like it or not, you are still in many ways a child, and you must surround yourself with people you can trust, that is, people who love you and want the best for you.  You probably have too many people around you who don't have your interests in mind.

    The car (vehicle) is a way to escape your fear.  You are searching for a way out of the fear that is causing you to have these bad dreams.  This is probably bothering you all day long, but when you fall asleep and are relaxed, the dreams break through and you become aware of your fears.  

    As to how to make your dreams stop, well, that is really the important part of your question.  The only way to rid yourself of your fears is to face them.  What does that mean?  Let me tell you something.  It is really important for you to find someone you can trust that you can talk to who is older than you, an adult.  There are many kids your age who don't have an adult they are comfortable with talking to about their fears and hopes.  It is very important that you find such a person.  If you look around you, you will find someone in your life.  It could be a teacher or counselor.  It could be somone in your family.  It might be someone in a church.  Ask that person if you can talk to them.  Sit down in a safe but fairly private place and just talk.   Don't expect one time to do it.  You will need to spend an hour or so for several times.  

    This kind of personal counseling is often done with professionals, like psychologists, who are experts on dreams and what they mean.  If you can arrange that type of counseling, that would be great.  But what is most important is that you find an adult you can trust to share your hopes and fears with.  When you've done that, you will find not only your dreams get better, but everything else will improve and you'll be a happier person.

    I think you are in much better shape than many young people, because you are very aware of your problem and are actively seeking solutions.  Good luck, my young friend!  I think you will find what you are looking for very soon.

  10. hope this link helps!  ive had the same kind of dream alot also.

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