
I keep hearing McCain mention the letters POW a zillion times, what does it stand for?

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People out of work?




  1. Prisoner of War


    obama 08

  3. Only people out of work are people who can't pass a drug test.

  4. Prisoner of War

    Something that obama has no clue of. Quit being so disrespectful.

    McCain 08!!!

  5. It stands for prisoner of war.   I think tho that Wesley Clarke had it correct when he said that crashing a jet and being taken prisoner does not automatically qualify one for the presidency or to know all there is about war and warfare.   Sometimes plain common sense is necessary,  absent in the Bush 8 years.  I wish I had a dollar for everytime that McCain has referred to his POW experience.  

  6. Pasty Old and Wrinkled

  7. pompous old whitey

  8. Ha ha.

    Since you dont know. Dont vote yet.

    Go back to school & take some US history courses. Then, if you pass, you can vote.

  9. please tell me you're're stands for prisoner of war...please brush up on your history/current events/government

  10. Apart from Prisoner of War which you apparently don't acknowledge, it could possibly be one of the following:

    Person of Worth

    Premier of the Western World

    President offering wisdom

    Presiding over the White House

    Hey and I don't even live in the U.S.!

  11. Wanna find out ***hole!  

  12. hahaha. you got it...

  13. It stands for what is right and good about this country. It stands for what American fighting men have fought for since the beginning of this great country. It means you don't deserve to walk the same ground as McCain. Now, go outside and play.

  14. I keep hearing Obama mention "change" a  zillion times, what does he mean for that???...for the worse?

  15. Pissed Off Worrier, he was given that name because he is grumpy most of the time.

  16. Only people out of work are people who can't pass a drug test? 8 straight months of lost jobs. The entire nation must be on drugs because too many people are out of work. During his POW days he missed out on a changing tide in american culture. He is out of touch with American society's current structure and diversity.

  17. Prisoner of war.  It's what happening in Gitmo now.  

  18. Prisoner Of War,, which is what so many liberals would never be man or woman enough to endure like McCain did.  

  19. NO, that would be POOW !

  20. Prisioner of War.....and MIA is missinig in action

  21. It stands for Prisoner of War and you won't hear Obama or Biden mention it.

  22. Prisoner of War - someone captured his soul and never set it free!

      Ain't that what it means... those oriental people I tell you. They use voodoo and everything.

  23. I'll tell you if tell us what a community organizer is.

  24. It means Prisoner Of War.

    and during the time he was a p.o.w he endured brutal beatings.once offered his freedom without the rest of his unit,he declined because he wanted to be with the people under his command. in layman's terms, he didn't abandon his people for his own gain,something that obama or biden would readily do. and to all the people who simply have no respect, i wish i could strip you of your freedom as john was, so maybe you'd get a little understanding of what that man has endured for our way of life,and our freedom. It saddens me when i think of all the combat veterans like myself,who fought for such undeserving,selfish,uncaring,and disgusting people like you, who think that your entitled to your freedom. lil news flash for you. freedom isnt free,but its worth fighting for.and if you wont appreciate those that choose to fight so you wouldnt have too.maybe you should try our jobs for a day, and get some perspective

  25. For some reason he and some other people think it means we should vote for him. How being a POW makes some one automatically qualified for the presidency is a mystery to me...

  26. That is a good one ,  

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