
I keep hearing music, buuuut there's no music playing anywhere around me

by  |  earlier

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well i started happening today, i keep hearing music, just really random sounding music. I keep thinking I accidentally turned my ipod in in my pocket....buuut i have my ipod connected to my computer. and everyone upstairs is asleep. and my computer isn't playing anything. so why am i still hearing music?? am i going insane?? awwwwesome




  1. Weird but yes awwwwesome!

  2. Maybe someone is playing music in a building near by you? That would be the most probable explanation. If you were really going insane i doubt you'd be saying "awwwwesome".

    If your taking any recreational drugs these could cause hallucinations and also, some pain killers can cause them too. If your not taking anything, and there was no music playing in a building near by, then speak to a doctor asap.

  3. i hear music in my head all the time. i can play any song on command. it's like having a radio in your head. i don't think it's that abnormal--that's why you always hear people singing out loud or walking around humming a tune. but if you're crazy, then so am i.

  4. If you are literally hearing music that isn't coming from anywhere, as if there were music playing for real, then you should see a doctor as soon as possible.  There are a number of serious conditions that could cause such symptoms.

    If it's just more like you're thinking the music, not hearing it, that's much less worrisome.  But from your description it sounds like you're really hearing it.

  5. there is usually a logical explanation for things like that, something is on somewhere, but if it keeps up, go get help

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