
I keep leading guys on...?

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Okay i have a problem... i keep leading all of my guy friends on :( Because i text them all a lot it's just too easy and i can't seem to help myself. By leading them on i mean we flirt A LOT and it gets quite y'know... naughty lol. Nothing ever comes of it but i always feel guilty after doing this when i have no intention of following any of it through...

I just wanted a guys insight and wondered if they'll think it's all harmless or if they will actually take it seriously? (it's all in a jokey type way...)

I'm just rather worried because it's happened with like 5 guys recently... and i'm slightly worried of what they'll think of me :(

Btw, please don't say you brought it on yourself etc because i know :( x




  1. wow this is really ironic.

    the girl i like does the same exact thing.

    we all kinda took it seriously.

    i mean it hurts pretty bad when a girl leads you on.

    just make sure you've told them you just want to be friends.

  2. have s*x s*x with all of them.

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