
I keep needing to urinate why ?

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Brief: Well and 16 i have finished my period a week ago.It is Ramadan i am fasting .. and last night after i broke my fast at round 8 i drank about 2/3 glasses and from that night i slept ...i Keep needing the toiler to pee, i have been about 5 times now...what is wrong ..i know am not pregnant :( please answer




  1. check your blood sugar , go to the doctor, you might be diabetic

  2. You may have a urine infection or may simply not have been drinking enough fluid??? You should be drinking uo to two litres of fluid daily. Are you?

    Insufficient fluid intake will make your urine more concentrated which, in turn, will irritate the bladder.

    drink as much water as possible now and if symptoms persist then see your GP>

  3. If it is painful you might have cystitis - urinary infection which needs a clean sample of wee tested at your doctor's surgery ( make an appt to see him/her as well)

    Maybe as you are fasting your body is losing fluid as it can at the beginning of a diet.  The glasses of water would speed this up.

    As Ramadan only started yesterday the latter explanation figures.

    Hope it settles down and you get your sleep.

    After you break your fast try and eat some dry stodge, like bread, it might help, or something with a bit of salt, like cheese.

  4. Sounds like an UTI Urinary Tract Infection, go make an appt to see your GP and take a first morning urine sample with you to be checked for any signs of infection.

  5. you either ould be diabetic, have a problem with your prostate or have a urine infection.

  6. Don't drink so much.

  7. You may have cistitus (sp) or other urinary tract infection.

    It's best to see a doctor as he/she can give you some antibiotics but in the meantime drink plenty of cranberry juice, it's really good for this.

  8. it is normal to pee. But not normal to be extra thirsty and as a result pee a lot. You could have diabetes.Eating less will also cause you you pee more.

  9. may be you was sitting om something could

  10. Well considering you had several glasses to drink last nigh it may just be that you have drunk a lot than normal but if it persists you should go to the doctor as there is a chance it could be diabetes

  11. your body may be unaccustomed to the water you are consuming, or you may have a bladder infection.  If it persists, suggest you see a doctor.

  12. This could be diabetes. Frequent urination is one of the chief symptoms.

  13. Have you got stress/anxiety at all that can make you pee constantly. Also could be a bit of fluid retention coming out of the system triggered by the fast. If it's accompanied by extreme thirst then get to the doctor it's a symptom of type 1 diabetes (pretty unlikely though).

  14. You should see a doctor. You could have a urinary tract infection or bladder infection.  

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