
I keep on having dreams in which I see people who aren't alive/figures and I don't know who they are...?

by  |  earlier

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This will sound completely crazy but it's scaring me.

It's usually when I'm at other people’s houses although at home when I'm alone, sometimes, I do feel a sort of presence.

Last night I was falling asleep in a friends house and I was downstairs and I was dreaming of the back garden on the patio and I saw a figure by the back door in a black dress, definitely an old figure, greyish hair i think but I didn't stay asleep long enough to see the face as these dreams scare me quite a bit I usually wake up. After that though, I felt a weird presence and when I finally got to sleep again I could feel the feeling radiating from by the door where I was sleeping.

I don't know what to do!

Also, I don't know if it's related but at home my kitten picks up on this too sometimes, he's asleep one minute and then he will stare into space, a few times actually got up and moved into another room.




  1. Don't eat before bed.

  2. I see dead people , Bruce Willis isnt there aswell is he ?

  3. that is freky

    im not much help but its just a dream it will eventuaally go awayyy

  4. this sounds really scary and i think you should try to google this or have you ever seen "crossing over with John Edward" it...maybe you have a gift like he does...or have you heard of Sylvia Browne..i think that is her name..dont listen to these stupid people who make immature comments....I believe you and have had some similar is scary as h**l....i hope you find the help you seek...Sorry i cant help more, i think you need a professional medium or communicator..

  5. if it is scaring you that much.... start packing and move

  6. its either in yoUr head or ur are seeing a past live or dead family members in your own home or family of the peoples houses you are staying in if you believe in that sort of thing

    i do

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