
I keep on hearing little dead girls r killing people is that true?

by  |  earlier

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I keep on hearing little dead girls r killing people is that true?




  1. sure is

    they are vicious.

    you better watch your back.

  2. I do not know for certain if it is true that you heard that.  Only you could know for sure what you did or did not hear.  If it is true, then most likely, the reason why is that someone said this, causing the air to vibrate.  This caused rapid pressure changes in your ears, transferring the vibration to your eardrums, through the three-bone structures connecting your eardrums to your inner ears, where the appropriate nerve endings transmitted signals to you brain, from which your brain was then able to reconstruct the spoken words of the message that little dead girls r killing people.

  3. I don't know XD

  4. intriguing...  

  5. What do you think?

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