
I keep on seeing my ex in my dreams!!!?

by  |  earlier

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this sounds so pathetic but its making getting over him so much harder!!

like its not bad enough that i have been trying to forget his existence for the past 2 years... i cant stop seeing dreams of him... all the time... whats wrong with me? is this normal? I'm i an obsessed psycho? please help!




  1. It sounds okay. Your ex is still in your thoughts somewhere so you just need to practice getting them out of your thoughts, letting go of them, and moving onwards. That's the best plan of action.

    When you have another one of those dreams, just think of it as a work in progress and that you are pushing you ex away, not getting closer.

    Good luck!

  2. It's only 'psycho' when you act on it. It is normal to have dreams of people from your past, after all they were a part of your life at one time. It's natural and over time it will happen less. I still have occasional dreams about people I dated 5-6 years ago, it just happens randomly every now and then.

  3. yep what jag said

  4. Looks like it's time for a booty call.

  5. do you think about homa  lot during the day? if not, its just your subconcoiusness either wanting him back, or wanting something that he represented back. if you pur a lttle more detail in about where he is or what he is doing in the dreams that would help. good luck! ps thereis a dream interpretation category here!

  6. Hi,

    i'm sorry you are going through this *hugs*

    i think its time to move on i still have the occassional dreams about people from my past over the last 6 or so years but they are one offs.

    i think the best is to create a happy dream and try and dream about happy times and try and forget him. i know its easier said than done.

    but in time it heals.. have you thought about going to a social worker maybe they could help you heal the heartacke  you have. i found mine at the local church and she is free :)

    wish you all the best   things will get better i Promise! you need to move forward not backwards!

    Candice xx

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