
I keep reading about "pre-registering" at your hospital. What is that?

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I know where I'm going to give birth. I'm pretty sure it's the only hospital that my OB delivers at anyway.

I keep reading all over the place about "pre-registering."

What is that?

Do I need to go in and meet with the hospital first?

Can I call over the phone?

I was hoping to tour the maternity floor anyway. Do you suppose I'm allowed to just drop in, or will I most likely have to call in advance?




  1. Pre-registering just means that you fill out all the paperwork before hand  n get your insurance info n all that fun stuff out of the way, so that when you go into labor and show up at the hospital you don't have to fill out all the paperwork. When you go into labor and go to the hospital they just make you initial one sheet of paper and you're all set to give birth.

    When you call them for the tour then you can pre-register at that same time as well.

    Good luck!!!

  2. check with your hospital because many larger hospitals have scheduled hospital tours. i went to mine about 3 weeks ago and we all went to a conference room and the lady went over standard procedures. and let us know what happens when you get to the hospital thru when you are discharged. then we all went to the l&d floor to see what a room looks like, then we went by the nursery to see where the baby would be kept. at the end we went to the registration desk to pre-register and filled out the paperwork. mostly it is just name address, insurance, due date and doctor. that way when you actually go into labor and get to the hospital you will just walk up, tell them your name and sign the paperwork. they won't have to have you fill out all of the other stuff since you will have already done it.

  3. the benefits for pre-registering is that when you are in labor, you go straight to a room, otherwise you have to fill out a bunch of paper work, which wont be what you want to be doing at that time!! just call the hospital and they will tell  you when the best time to come in at. I also got to tour the maternity ward.  

  4. Hm. I would call, and then ask to have a guided tour of the hospital,and request a room you like if that's possible at that particular hospital. Feel free and ask questions. It's one reason they are there.

  5. At 8 months, I pre-registered. It was nice because it was a new hospital to me and it was reassuring to see how nice and clean the ward was. Also, when you pre-register you can have a file created for you with all of your pertinent info, so when you are in labor there is no discussion on your insurance, their regulations, etc. There usually is quite a bit of paperwork that you will have to sign, so it is a must to pre-register. Ask your doctor if you can just show up to see the ward. My doctor let me know that was okay but suggested that I go in the afternoon because they are busy in the morning. (valuable info).

    I think it's a must to get it out of the way, starting in your third trimester.

    Good luck!!!

  6. You can fill out paperwork when it gets close to your due date... insurance info things of that nature so you don't have to do it while your there... which I think i'm going to ask about when I go on my your because it seems like a very good idea! As far and the tour I know at my hospital I had to call because they only did them twice a week and only one time so you actually have to sign up for it! Hope this helps!  

  7. My doctor gave me forms to fill out and mail to the hospital so that when I go into labor, I don't need to fill out my insurance information etc. then, and my husband can stay with me instead of going to do that.

    Ask your doc.

  8. I think our hospital called it something else (which i don't really remember now). But, it's basically where you fill out all the admission forms before you go in, so that everything is already there and you don't have to worry about it when you do go into labor.

    I had the hospital send me the forms, and was going to fill them out and send them back. However, I ended up forgetting to mail them, but they were all filled out. So, when I went into labor, I just took them along and didn't have to fill out any papers when I got there because it was all done long ago.

    So basically, it just saves you the trouble of having to go through all the forms on top of all those labor pains.

    You should be able to call them up on the phone, and ask them for the pre-admission or pre-registering forms. If you want to go in for the tour, just ask them while you're there. And, depending on the hospital, you should probably call about a tour before you head down.

    I hope this helps. Good luck!

  9. hi i am in a rush but really do check : for me it meant reserving what kind of room i wanted and w/o reervations i had to share a room with another woman, only a curtain in between so if you want a private room for after you have the baby for the next day (or few days for c-sections) then  i needed to pre-register and let them know what i wanted.

  10. Why ask here?  Call the HOSPITAL and ask.  We don't know their policies - THEY do.

  11. After I got to a certain week my doctor gave me a folder with a lot of information in it. One thing was a preregistration form. Along with filling it out, I had to give them a copy of my driver's license and my insurance card. My doctor's office told me that it made it easier for me to be admitted when the time came for me to deliver. I had to turn it in when I reached 20 weeks or so. I'm not sure if it is always necessary and it probably depends on the hospital you plan to have your baby at. I just filled out that information because they told me to and I want things to be as easy as they can on the day I go to the hospital.  

  12. i never registered at the hospital to have my baby. i just went in an had her

  13. You just go in a fill out some forms and let them know who you are and when your are expected to come in. Its really just so they are prepared for you and you can get in quickly. They should let you look around any time you want. If you want to call first that will be fine.

  14. If you are a first time mommy, get a tour of the hospitol and register.  When or if you rush into the hospitol, they will have fewer mistakes with the paperwork.

    pre-registration allows the hospital to plan.

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