
I keep reading that gas prices are down..?

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but I don't see any changes at the pump?

When will we start to see the effects of lower gas prices per barrel?




  1. Oil is down 6$ a barrel, but that isn't a very signifcant number considering its still over 130$ a barrel.  The price of the barrel usually has to stay down before you start seeing a change at the pump anyway, and that won't happen anytime soon as long as our democrat controled congress refuses to drill.  FYI, gas has gone up over 75% since the dems took over in 06

  2. My local Shell station dropped their price by 2 cents.  Whoop-dee-doo

  3. Sh*t. they are? where?

    I filled up at the local gas station on Monday and then next day it jumped 6 cents. I don't think they'll be coming down anytime soon.

  4. just more bs the media puts out

  5. The price of oil contracts for OCTOBER are down. Spot price of oil is also down, but just because oil comes down doesn't mean that gas prices will come down. The AAA says gas is down a couple of cents. But the people selling it might keep their prices the same for a bit, until there is a significant drop in the price of gas.

    Although the stations are all too ready to raise prices it can take a LONG time for them to come down.

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