
I keep seeing a ghost of a white cat around my home, what is the meaning?

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I keep seeing a ghost of a white cat around my home, what is the meaning?




  1. Either you or a family member lost a white can and it is coming back to visit. Nothing to be scared of. If it so chooses it can be reborn to your family. If your family has not lost a cat in the past then it is an animal familiar. Yes animal familiars can be pets and wild animals both.Just talk to it, leave out a toy for it to play with.

  2. I see animal ghosts all the time, more then I see of human ghosts. Sometimes theres no rhyme nor reason for animal ghosts. Did you at one point know a white cat? If so its probably just an old pet comming back to visit. If not it might just be wandering around. It means nothing in particular most likely. I dont believe white cats are good luck and black cats are bad luck...but cats are symbolistic in many ways.

    It could just be there for company. As for trying to "contact" it, animal ghosts act just like animals they , unlike humans, cant tell when they are dead. They are still protective, still lovers of attention and perhaps this cat is just "hanging out" so to speak

  3. It means that a white cat died and its ghost is around your house.

  4. not so sure of  what you mean , When you say ghost .

    How do you know it's a ghost, did you know / knew of the  original white cat ?  

    I dont know  much about  these things ! but I do believe that others cantell you much more. One thing I will tell you , Dont  put  too much into  whatever you hear, and try not to contact this entity.


  5. If you believe in ghosts, the cat has unfinished business and cannot move on

  6. Dude, I'd be scared. I like how calm you are. Are you the only one seeing the cat? If so, it could just be in your head. If not, just let it be. It is not really doing anything to you.

  7. i dont know what it could mean exept maybe if you had a cat before and it died that could be its ghost i dont know though:/

  8. i ate a white cat once

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