
I keep seeing the number 304?

by Guest66801  |  earlier

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I swear i see the number at least 5 times a day. Sometimes much more than that. I see it on clocks, timers, telephone numbers, license plates, prices, combos of numbers, addresses you name it. I've heard of the "conformation" but sometimes it seems like it's just so random it's more than that... i mean seriously when i just wrote that last sentence i saw it in a phone number my dad wrote on our calender yesterday for a job interview. Yeah i know... sounds like i'm making it up, but that happing is so common place now it doesnen't surprise me anymore.

I know the number is "hoe" upside down. I'm not sure if that has something to do with it or not. I attatched the number to feelings and what not i had for an ex of mine. haha i used to say it was cause i thought she was a "hoe" but that's not the case. It seems to confirm alot of the time that when i think of her the number will pop up somewhere along with the thought of her. What does this all mean?




  1. While some people may tell you that it is your ex is trying to send you a message or your subconscious is trying to break through (you did say you attached the numbers to feelings about your ex) others will tell you that it mean nothing and you are experiencing confirmation bias (link below). It could also be synchronicity (link below).

    However, both of these positions pretend to be able to answer a question that only you can answer. You decide if your experiences have any meaning or not and the meaning to you. Humans are pattern seeking meaning making creatures (it makes us distinct from most if not all other species of life).


  2. omg really,  i think it has somthing to do with your ex and stuff because if you see it everywhere and think of it, it must be somthing


  4. Usually when people look for a number they get it so try to ignore it for one day go on with your day maybe it will leave you alone!

    I totally believe you are having a strong connection with this number just ignore it or start looking for a new number gL ^^

  5. Man this sounds like some that movie "the number 23". If i were you, i would go down to your local library and see if anything happen on dates that relate to the number 304. But you should probably just shrug it off as nothing. If this really does become a serious problem, you could always have your eyes removed but i wouldn't advise it.

  6. This is what I thought of:

    Edit..Hmmm Is this De javu???

  7. This is a prime example of what's called confirmation bias.

  8. Funny...I'm reading your question & right away realize 304 is familiar to me. I look on a note beside me & there I had written earlier today "Red Lion Inn - Rm 304"! (Paranormal States was on Montel this am & I was noting places I wanted to research).

    This has happened to me in the past & it has been going on with a friend of mine for about 2 years, same # (not 304). She has pretty much deduced what it means to her & it continues to be a source of confirmation for a particular area of her life.

    While I don't think we should over-analyze repetitive #'s (it can really make you crazy!!) I do believe that our loved one's, guides, etc will use what they can to get our attention & that there is absolutely no such thing as coincidence.

    Try to find a thought pattern, like your ex or maybe something else you're not realizing & make notes keeping track of when the # appears to you - date, time, what you were thinking about &/or doing at that time, etc.

    As I said, I wouldn't over analyze but I don't agree that it's necessarily random or that you're just being silly.

    Do what feels right to you.

  9. actually "Hoe" would refer to a garden tool, while a S****y female would be a "Ho".

    You are playing a game of find the numbers in your subconscience. If it was a combination of 2 numbers you would would be able to see it 50 times a day.

    What does it mean? Nothing, you have gotten the number into your head and now you are looking for instances of it. They were always there, but you werent looking for them.

    An interesting movie came out not too long ago starring Jim Carrey called "The number 23"

    You might find it interesting, its about someone who goes nuts seeing the number 23 in everything.

    Don't go nuts seeing 304 in everything, its not worth it. If something spiritual were trying to pass you a message, I am sure they would figure out sooner or later that showing you the number 304 over and over is not working and they would try to find a clearer way to pass thier message. Therefore, I think we can conclude that this is not a message from an angel, demon, or ghost, unless said angel, demon, or ghost has mental handicaps.

  10. It's called the 'confirmation effect'.  You see thousands of numbers every day - prices, times, phone numbers, license plates, etc - but you forget most of them instantly.  You only remember the one you're looking for.  You're not making it up; it happens to everyone - but with different numbers. 11 is common.  But there's nothing behind it - you remember the times you see it and forget the many, many times you don't.

  11. I am the same way with the number 13.  can't do anything but ignoreit.  it is very hard and takes lots of work.  you'll get used to it.

  12. Nothing. Assuming you are serious ( which is a stretch indeed ) , it means nothing. Coincidences do happen. Since you have noticed the number you are looking for it now. Therefore you notice it more.

  13. What "The Number 23" with Jim Carey :)

  14. It must be a sign.

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