
I keep seeing the numbers 66, 69, 99, 96 every where.... about 10- 20 times a day for weeks now...???

by  |  earlier

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I see these numbers on almost every license plate that I pass...on signs, phone numbers, ads. It just seems too perfect in timming to be a coincidence (I was driving on a 3 lane road... the cars on all 3 lanes in front of me had 69 on their license plate while we passed exit 66.) I met a lady randomly the other day that wore a number 6 necklace. I have followed signs before... but I don't understand this one. Can someone please help me understand?




  1. same thing been happening to me, almost everytime I look at the clock for the last few months it's 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, and 6.66 appeared on a cash register while I was waiting in line at a restaurant the day my grandmother passed away, no one in the restaurant noticed but me, the cashier was busy yapping away with a customer.

    Even the building my workplace is building 3303, the building next door is 3333, I've only been working there a hired 3 days after my birthday actually...strange I know...Some sites I came across say it's angels trying to communicate with you or a signal for a new beginning, didn't believe it at first until I decided to flip open the book of Revelations in the bible looking for an answer and the very next day my best friend's boyfriend was murdered...2 later and 3 days after my searching in revelations I got a call on my cellphone from a strange phone number with 666 in the middle, I was afraid to call it back and when I did it was the number to a children's hospital (which got my wheels turning since the triple 6s translate to a person's name)...been trying to ignore the signs every since before ppl think I'm crazy ;-)

    As for you, my best advice is to research numerology and significance of numbers. And if you're religious, pray for wisdom and understanding.

  2. 666...devil worship

    69..we wont go there

    96..another way to do 69

    99..or are lonesome

    and i also dont believe in horoscopes

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