
I keep seeing the same number everywhere! its feaking me out!?

by  |  earlier

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I keep seeing the number 8 everywhere! my new address... my new friends address... everytime i look at the time.... when i get paid the change will end with 8... exit 18.... last job had a 8 printed on the floor for no reason just a 8... what could this mean I know it sounds dumb and if you going to say a stupid comment to me then keep it to yourself cuz i dont need it... just wanna know because i see the number like 6 or more times a day... always 8!




  1. you said your last job had a random 8 on the floor right? maybe you are subconsciously trying to figure out what the 8 was for or how it got there or why.

    if not it could be that you are subconsciously associating the number 8 with that past job. maybe you should go back there, or maybe you left something unfinished there, or that you forgot something there, or maybe someone you used to work with is thinking of you and you are picking up signals and translating them in your mind as the number 8. in short, i think it has something to do with your old job.

    think back, how long ago did it start being extremely noticable to you, and also when exactly was the first time you got that gutch wrenching feeling that the number had some kind of significance other than day to day contact? what were you doing the first time it happened?

    OH: I ALMOST FORGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the number 8 when turned sideways is an infinity sign. it represents the ongoing circles of eternity, so are you sure your last job was really marked with a number and not with a symbol of continuation and eternal life?

    does the 8 symbolize for you the infinite, the unbound, and the limitless? is your new friend someone you would previously not have become friends with for one reason or another? is your new home your new freedom?

  2. could be the Olympics.

  3. well, 8 is a lucky number in china... idk. :] i don't think its a bad thing, just kinda funny/weird.

  4. 8 is a power number.  rejoice in your good luck, mama!!

  5. i'm not saying what you're saying may not be true. but try thinking about a different number for a day. such as the number 3. and keep an eye out for that. then see how many times you see that. because you may just think you are seeing the number 8 because you are aware of it. its like if you get a new car. and it looks like nobody has a blue toyota. so after you get it and are driving around in it you see other blue toyotas. and they've been there all along but it's just that you are aware of it now. so you notice them. it's worth a try anyways.  

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