
I keep seeing the same number everywhere.?

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It started with 12:34 - everytime i'd look at the clock - it was 12:34... now it just seems to be the #34 (though I still seem to catch a glimpse at the clock @ 12:34). Like today - I got a text after work, checked it and it was my 34th message. I got a fortune cookie the day before - read it, laughed cause it was silly - flipped it over... 3 of my lucky numbers were 3,4 & 34. It's everywhere... anyone have any idea why? I know - I sound silly, but really - I wanna see what everyone comes up with.

P.S. Leave the smart-*** answers in your mind. I don't really wanna hear 'em.




  1. Guest58678

    34 is a number like every other combinations of numbers. But if the frequency of seeing the number is high there should be something will happen in your life. But any how god has been taking the responsibility when we born to till the end of life. So dont think too much about this just keep going.  :)

  2. Wow I didnt think I would see so many people with the same "problem"! I can't believe it, it started for me as well with 12.34. Then just the number 34 popping everywhere. When I look at my watch its at minute 34 a lot, when i catch it at 35 it feels wrong, 35 feels wrong. But 34 makes sense, its soothing, it makes me feel like things are going ok. I play video games a lot, soccer video games in particular, and when i look at the time to see where theyre at, its min 34. And when i see it, it reassures me and I play better. If i look and its 35, it affects my game. Is it just me? Is my mind subconsciouslly programmed to look for the time at that exact time? I feel its very freaky that it started with 12.34 for me too, completely related with that. And freakishly enough a co-worker tells me he sees a lot of 11.11, and here in this thread people talk about 11.11 too. My co-worker told me he researched and it said it was a good sign, like an angel watching over you. It really makes you think.

  3. When you see 12:34, its a general nudge that says you're headed the right direction/ thoughts on the correct path.  The word Happiness adds up to 34; under some sort of Hebrew numeric value of letters.

    In I-Ching the 34th hexagram carries the following meanings: Use your enthusiasm now to further develop your strengths and abilities, thus preparing yourself for a better future.

    In Numerology 34: It is very intelligent. It is spiritual purity through effort. It shares with others, and is a warrior.

    34 is 3+4=7

    The number 7 is about Philosopher, sage, wisdom seeker, reserved, inventor, stoic, contemplative, aloof, deep-thinker, introspective, spiritual, faith, esoteric, exotic, unusual, hidden, seeking perfection, ethereal, other worldly, enigma.

    Thanks I've been seeing 34 everywhere this year as well, I always achieve better results helping others; thats the way my lifes seems to work....

  4. It might be possible that as these numbers 3,4 and 34 are your lucky numbers so your eyes just like to view the things you like the most usually, you also happen to watch other numbers almost every day, but as your lucky numbers being 3,4 and 34 so you pay more attention to that side where ever you find these numbers written. You had developed an interest of just having glimpse of just these numbers you ignore the rest which also defines it in your personality that you simply stay away from the people you don't want to be close with or people whom you dislike, you simply ignore them with paying any sort of attention at all to them.

  5.  I experience this... mainly double digits every where (sometimes to the extreme of 3 cars at once or the microwave timer and real time will match) This is no coincidence. I call them God-winks. ;)

  6. It might be possible that as these numbers 3,4 and 34 are your lucky numbers so your eyes just like to view the things you like the most usually, you also happen to look at other numbers almost every day, but as your lucky numbers being 3,4 and 34 so you pay more attention to that side where ever you find these numbers written. You had developed an interest of just having glimpse of just these numbers you ignore the rest which also defines it in your personality that you simply stay away from the people you don't want to be close with or people whom you dislike, you simply ignore them with paying any sort of attention at all to them.

  7. To Someone out there,

    I see the Number 34 Everwhere too....

    Everything is in 34

    Super Strange and Wierd......

    Edwin from Singapore


  8. 88

  9. To learn about numbers I recommend to visit this site :


  10. same for me!!! the way i look at it, its not everywhere, but we're ALWAYS looking for it. like a big (fun for me) game of i spy

  11. wow i have the same thing with the 34 since the last 10 yrs...after i fell inlove with my "first love" . it dosent matter weather im getting change back, or what time it is, or a license plate number, a price tag it all has a 34 in wierd is that....

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