
I keep seeing things?

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I'm thinking about seeing the optition about this, I think its because I'm long sited.

I've noticed a light colour around the person i look at, but the colour depends on who it is. Could this be 'floaters?' My teacher was saying it could be, its when you see a flash and then little dots or colour follow. I've also been seeing round opaque (sometimes transulent) circular shapes floating randomly then dissapearing, I can't control it, but apparently people can control floaters?




  1. When the gel in the eye moves around, it can tug on the retina. This causes the sensation of light flashes or photopsia. If the gel pulls hard enough, it can tear the surface of the retina or optic nerve. Those small vessels can bleed and cause the little dots you are seeing. If the blood is close to the retina it'll cause a shadow and you'll see the floaters. If they move further into the center of the eye, they won't cast a shadow and will seem to be gone. If the attachment of the gel around the nerve detaches and floats into the center cavity one can sometimes see the whole ring, or a broken or collapsed ring. Sometimes the ring will open and people say it's a U or N or C or S, depending on how it casts shadows light onto the retinal surface.

    If the flashes of light are out to the side or towards the nose or up or down, but way out, then you are pulling on the vitreous base, which is where the vitreous gel is formed in the first place. Hard tugging in this area can cause a through and through tear. If fluid gets under that tear, it can cause a retinal detachment. This is a surgical problem and should be addressed sooner than later.

    Being farsighted means your eyes are 'weak' compared to normal people's eyes which are focused far too, but are focused clearly at distance. As your eyes are 'weaker', you have to do a little work by bending or focusing the lens inside your eye. This takes energy and makes it even harder to see up close by the time you work to see far away, then add to that the work to see up close.

    There are no means to 'control' floaters. They just line up along the vitreous gel strands or clump or just float freely. There are conditions where certain types of salts like calcium salts can cause hundreds of dots which is called Asteroid Hyalosis. Sometimes we'll actually remove the gel, a vitrectomy, when it gets so bad the person is having problems seeing through them. But most people just live with them and get used to them.

  2. your eyes maybe too sensitive to light.

    i get like that once in a while, when watching tv and some bright would come on and i get this little color dots sometimes blue or red.

    try going to the optition and see what they say. i wouldnt be too worry though.

  3. Eye Doc really let you have it for no reason at all..

    There is always a question mark after the title when you write a question in here.

    Your statement about seeing different colors depending who it is has nothing to do with racism...he read it wrong.

    Also...although you spelled it wrong, an Optician is probably the one you need to see.

    You spell color, with a U , so you are probably in the Optician there is an Optometrist in the US.

    If you are in Canada, who also spell color with a U , then it is an optometrist you should see.

    Floaters can't really be controled , you can blink a few times and roll your eyes around, and they will usually go away for awhile.

  4. your probably seeing then person aura. and the dots are little hallucinations, most people see everyonce in a while

  5. Your title/subject line is hilarious ... "I keep seeing things?"

    1. Posed as a question ... are you not sure if you're seeing things?

    2. If seeing things is a problem, you could just close your eyes.

    Sentence 1:

    "I'm thinking about seeing the optition about this, I think its because I'm long sited."

    1. What the h**l is an "optition" other than "option" with an extra "ti" thrown in?  If you meant "optician", they fill the prescriptions eye doctors "optometrists" ("optists" in your world maybe) write; they do not solve your visual problems from within.

    2. "long sited"???? As opposed to website?  By long sited I'm going to assume you mean far-sighted, meaning you have no/less trouble seeing things at distance but need some sort of spectacle correction to see things well up close.

    Sentence 2:

    "I've noticed a light colour around the person i look at, but the colour depends on who it is."

    DO YOU KNOW HOW RACIAL THAT SOUNDS?  I nearly fell of my chair laughing at this sentence.

    Ok, on to your actual question ... your teacher's definition of a floater (or your re-explanation of it, more likely the latter) isn't totally accurate; floaters can appear in many forms, but what you're describing (the person-dependent colour around the person) does not sound like a floater.  It sounds more like you might have some aberrations, that could be reduced/eliminated by contact lenses or glasses.

    My suggestion: go see your optition and let him/her refer you to an optist, who can examine your long sitedness and determine if the root cause is anything other than racism.
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