
I keep seeing weird c**p i dunno if im crazy or if this place is haunted? ?

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i keep seeing weird c**p and weird c**p keeps happening i dunno if my house is haunted or if im losing my mind with stress but ive seen: blue things in little cloaks in my house, gray things with big eyes, completely-white sihlouettes moving around my backyard, black sihlouettes moving around in my house, doors opening and closing, and balls of lights and its REALLY freaking me out... what the h**l do i do about this?




  1. Meditate upon it. Try to confront whatever it is that might be causing these things. Use your mental power to bring it all out in the open.

    If it is within yourself, you ought to be able to figure it out with enough resolve.

    If it is supernatural, it will respond to your attention.

    Either way, DON'T FEAR IT.

    Personally I've always craved to be involved in that sort of thing, I thrive on the strange, frightening, and unfamiliar.

  2. It sounds like you are hallucinating. Is anyone else seeing these things?

    If you are taking drugs or alcohol, this can contribute to hallucinations. You can talk to your doctor, or to a psychiatrist, to see if there is anything mental health-wise going on... if not, maybe it is ghosts. :)  

  3. opk your NOT losing your mind your house might be haunted my advise go here and click on submit your story they spesialise in these things thx

    best anser please thx

  4. Are you sleep deprived?  That can make you hallucinate.  Go and see a doctor anyway.

  5. Well, sounds more like aliens then ghost. LOL (okay, more jokes)

    If you are truly worried about it and you can not find a reasonable explanation for it, it could be hallucinations cause by high EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) emissions in your home. High Emfs can cause feeling of dread, make you feel as though you are being watched, make you hear noises or see apparitions.

    Call in a "Ghost Hunter" such as the TAPS team.  or look up a local Paranormal investigator.  I would suggest that you look for a team that is there to dis-miss the claims of activity.  they are more likely to find a real world explanation for what is happening to you in your home.

    No one should ever feel like they are going crazy in their own home.

    click the link below to find some help in your area.  

  6. Run screaming from your home. Keep screaming uncontrollably until the police pick you up. Tell them your house is haunted. They will get you the necessary mental help you need.

  7. This kinda thing happened in my old house, once i moved it stopped.

    You are not crazy - there are 2 explanations.

    1. Scientists say that some chemicals in your house or in how its built can cause you to hallucinate. Once you leave and this stops you will realise you are not crazy

    2. It is supernatural - this is a personal belief and mine, but most would disagree.  

  8. Well U could always call ghost busters! ahaha see a psychologist and they might be able to find the problem.  

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