
I keep slamming my door! I Do Not Know How To Stop!?

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Sometimes I get so angrey with my sister that i run into my room and slam the door as hard as i can. But I can not do it enymore becuse the door can fall apart. My sister and mom give me dumb ideas of how to stop. Its a habbit!

How Can I stop!!!!




  1. I was once in your situation.  Don't worry, everything will work  out for you =)

    A year ago I found this organization that gives people up to $1500 in renter or mortagage assistance!  They operate in most US cities, I highly suggest you try to get some of this money.

    Good Luck!

  2. Slamming a door is very dangerous.  A boy slammed a door on my fingers when I was young and I lost a few fingernails and had very deep cuts.  It really hurt and couldn't swim all summer long.

  3. Cut some thick closed cell foam (like a camping sleeping mat) into pieces you can stick on the corners of your door. When you slam the door, it won't make the sound anymore.  I think having the sharp, loud sound somehow puts an exclamation point on your anger and afterwards you are able to calm down.  My advice is to eliminate the noise option and replace it with a safer coping device such as getting away from sister at the first twinge of anger rather than when it is full blown. If you can't do that yet, make a list of other alternatives such as taking a walk around the block, or screaming into a pillow, etc.  Then come up with a plan to do each less aggressive coping mechanism until you have learned to walk away before getting overheated.   Take care!

  4. take your door off the hinges for a week and i bet you will think twice about slamming your door

    But really what you need to do is not worry so much about slamming your door but a little more about how to deal with your anger - instead of running of and slamming your door perhaps you should take a few minutes to talk to your sister or whomever your mad at to solve the problem

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