
I keep spending my money but i need to save it , how??

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I keep spending my money but i need to save it , how??




  1. stop spending it - learn to be more disciplined. Maybe you should put it where it's not as accessible, like in a savings account or locked away somewhere...

  2. lock yourself in a safe then you can save it wait lock the money* in the save

  3. Start by not buying things you don't need.

    Then, figure out how to get the things you 'need' cheaper.  You need to eat, but you don't need to eat out.  You need clothes, but you don't need new clothes or top brands.  

    Quitting spending is the main thing.  The second thing to do is pay yourself first.  When you get paid, put a bit of that money in savings before you spend a dime of your check.  Then when you run out of money, you won't skimp on saving.  Instead, you'll be deciding whether what you want to spend money on is important enough to take from your savings, or if you should just go without.

    The guy who said carry cash instead of a debit card is right.  People may think it's strange that I always have a couple twenties on me most of the time, but I really spend less that way.  I take the money for those little daily expenses out in a lump sum so I know how much I spend on incidentals.  It's better than being like my friends, who hope the bank doesn't mind waiting until payday for them to put their balance back in the black.

  4. Leave your debit cards at home, only carry cash.  

  5. Every time you get paid, put a little into a savings account or hold on to it somehow.  Saving is hard to do and will take discipline on your part.  Good luck.

  6. How about not spending money on extraneous things and put the rest in a interest gaining account.

  7. hide it

  8. Stop spending, Cut up credit cards.

  9. I have found I spend cash faster than when I use my debit cards...I'm not sure how you are with that. I write out a budget and only carry a small amount of cash out with me and don't carry my credit card or debit card with me( unless I'm grocery shopping) and I make a preconcieved amount on how much I am going to spend, and make it a challeng eot spend no more. Also, I put money into my savings acount that I will never touch unless an emergency. You basically have to make rules and stick to them, otherwise you'll begin to wonder where all your money goes. Step back and spend the majority of your money on what you really need( gas, bills, food) save2/3 of whats left and spend the last 1/3 on fun stuff( going to the movies, getting your nails done, etc).

    So lets say you make $2,000 a month.

    And( just an estimate) like $1100 goes to all your bills( dunno)

    so that means $600 you will save and $300 you will have for fun. Get it?

    Of course this is in a perfect world...but I try to stick somewhere near to this formula...and I have found it works pretty well.

    You can even put only a $1 away to save at a time..but that is still something.

    Good luck!

  10. Open up a bank account and just put in so much every week and keep so much out to live with :)

  11. Try getting a job.

    Hold a garage sale.

    Do a Lemonade Sale

    Bake Sale.

  12. Lots of "stop spending it answers" but you asked "How".

    Some suggestions:

    Create a budget.  Decide how much you are going to spend each two weeks or month on particular things.  Make envelopes for each of those categories.  Be sure to include a "Savings" category.  Then divide up your paycheck into those envelopes.  When an envelope is empty, your done spending on that thing until more money comes in.  You don't get to rob one envelope to fill another.

    This is the very simple Cash Budget method that Dave Ramsey recommends you start with.  It's a self-discipline builder.  You can graduate to more sophisticated and flexible systems once you have your spending habits under control.

    Get in the habit of putting away savings right after you get paid.  Do it by automatic payroll deduction if you can.  Open a Money Market account somewhere (I like Edward Jones) and deposit a check every time you get paid.  Do *not* try to use your checking account or a bank savings account as a way to save money; they're too easy to get to.

  13. make a budget sheet. List all of your bills and needs for the month. Total them up and subtract that number from your monthly salary. Whatever is left over is what you have to handle things that aren't a necessity or just to save. It takes discipline.

  14. you might die tommorrow .spend that S**t

  15. Decide how much of your paycheck you want to go into savings, have that amount direct deposited into your savings account, idea being ...if you never see won't miss it..

    If you have a 401K available, have at least the maximum matching amount  deposited  each paycheck....(matching being the amount the co. matches...)

    The following only works for Christians.......Instead of tithing on what you make right now....tithe on what you want to make after your next pay raise......

  16. Only take half the amount with you when you go out. The other half can them be saved up.

  17. It is a good idea to only buy what you have the money for (meaning don't put things on credit cards).  Also, people tend to spend what they have - duh - but that means that if you want to save, set up some type of savings account that automatically transfers money into the savings account from your checking account.  That way you are forced to save.

  18. You have to start thinking S-M-A-R-T. What kind of cutbacks can you make? For example: I drink bottled water. Now at $1 a bottle on something that covers over 65% of our planet is not smart. So I bought one of those water filters that s***w into your faucet. I have bottles that I refil over and over again. I take them to work. Do you have a lot of small appliances around that house that are always on? I cut my electronic bill almost in half by unplugging all the clock radios and night lights. I also bought some of those florescent bulbs that look a lot like a regular bulb. These things use 80% less electricity than regular bulbs. You would be surprised, but these small things add up. I know I was spending money on the water filter and energy efficient bulbs but these things will pay for themselves in a month providing they pertain to you. If you really need the money right away start cutting back on your food costs. Romain noodles cost a dime and they taste just as good as campbells chicken noodle that costs $130 a can. Ok no chicken in romain noodles, but you are probably just missing about 4 tiny pieces of chicken. Put a brick inside your toilet 'chamber'. You will use a little lesser water each time you flush..Before you know it you will be ahead. Wanna be creative? Find yourself leaving lights on? Buy a motion sensor switch, the lights will turn on when you enter the room and will turn off (by a set amount of time) when you leave the room. I have one, they cost $15 at HomeDepot. Need new windshield wipers for your car? Who says you have to buy 2? You only need the new one on the drivers side, leave the old wiper on the passenger side.  So remember you have to start thinking S-M-A-R-T! Yours truly seahorsehawrey.

  19. Well go put it in a bank, you're just like my little sis.

  20. Keep separate containers to help budget jar for clothes/fun stuff, one for eating out, one for savings, and of course whatever bills you have,pay first. Figure out what you'd like to try and save or spend on the extras and use your left over money to put in those containers each paycheck.  And once you spend it, it's spent.  Don't get into the savings jar.

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