
I keep subconciously copying other musicians when writing guitar songs.?

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This happens EVERY time I write a song, not an exageragtion. I sit down and find a good rythem then after a while realize it's just one song I was listening to. I don't mean to do it and it's really frusterating ): Any help?




  1. You need to turn off your influence and find a muse.  Try turning off the TV and radio for an entire week and then sit down to write.  You may find that unexpected things may become your your neighbors dog or the kids playing at the park.

  2. well it worked for maroon 5!

  3. There's no problem in copying "rythems," per say.  And don't worry about copying other peoples chords.  All rock musicians today use the same four of can put almost any rock song by some band next to another and pick out the same chord progressions.

    It's all in how you present it, you don't have to be completely original, just add enough of your own personal twist or style to make it sound like yours.

  4. well music has been around for ever, and there are so many chords and notes, so this happens all the time. some of Metallica songs are just old black sabbath songs but faster.

    Canon in D major, if you can play that then you can play about 65,000 songs. that has been copied by everyone just changed by speed and how it is played

  5. Music is constantly copied in bits and pieces by every artist.  There are only so many combinations you can make with 13 notes in a chromatic scale.

    A painter may use the same paint, but the result is different every time. -Me  (Maybe this quote will be famous when I am)

  6. It is called "influence", well too much is not good.

    Eventually you will do an original.

  7. this wouldnt be much of a help to solve your problem, but it occurs to me too. whenever i try to hum a song of my own, i end up humming a song that i know.

    it's just music. once you hear it, its etched in your mind. you cant forget music (:

  8. Happens to me to dude, but all songs sound inadvertently like another whether we realize or not.  There is always a central motivation for a rhythm or tune.  So many songs have been written that your bound to write something that sounds similar to another song.  Instead of getting mad and scrapping it though, you should embrace it and try to improvise it the way YOU want to.

  9. Hahah, I think this dilemma has ocurred, consciencely or unconsciencely, to every musician throughout time. you cannot develop your style in isolation. Every rythm or tune you'll hear that you like will influence you. It's a good thing. Just make sure you keep listening to the good stuff :)

  10. Listen to a bunch for a while. Eventually they'll all mix and you'll have a good mix. A good time is while you're sleeping

  11. Yep, that is why music can catorgorized into genres and sub-genres, with every artist copying bits and pieces from his musical influences.

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