
I keep thinking i have a brain tumour i dont know why but i cant get these irational thoughts out of my head??

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i am a 16 year old healthy male living in england i have never had a health problem in my life i do not suffer from anything however about 4 months ago i stupidly smoked weed for the first time ( yes i have learnt my lesson the hard way and will never touch the stuff again!) any way i had a panick attack after smoking it which my gp said was normal for unregular smokers like me, well since that day i have been so anxious its un real ive been getting nad tension hedaches and i just keep worrying i have a brain tumour i know its sounds stupid but i just cant help it.

Ive been to the doctor about seven times and each time they have looked in to my eyes etc etc and cant find anything, i had my eyes checked today by the opticions and they said everything looks normal and healthy abd they could not see any signs of anything serious.

I was thinking of asking for an mri but i think that could be going over the top as i have not been sick or not had an seziures i have had muscle twicthing but acoring to my gp this is beacuse i am anxious.

I think the best thing for me to do is to stop worrying and take my mind of it beacuse the chances of a fit 16 year old boy having a brain tumour are very very slim.

Do people agreee that i should stop worrying??

thanks for your help x




  1. You seem to be a hypochondriac! But not one with a brain tumour!!

    If you start smelling thyme or baked bread (and you're not out in the garden and no-one's baking bread!) then you probably have a tumour. A friend of mine had a recurring brain tumour and kept saying; 'can anyone smell baked bread?' when we were in a bowling alley. He was 24.

    If your vision goes blurry and you get headaches over a period of weeks then maybe.

    Mobile phone may give you a brain tumour so don't sleep with one next to your head, use speaker phone when you use one and don't text incessantly.

    Oh and if you're in the Supermarket and smell baked bread, don't panic... they pipe the smell in to make you buy it! :-)

  2. Well worrying will add to the stress level.. you need to figure out what makes you feel that way and avoid it.. And thats good you learned your lesson when it comes to weed.. Are you sure thats all it was? I'd wonder personally.

  3. Yes,

    Stop worrying and have fun

    and keep  going to your check ups

    and let the doctors worry about it

    if something does happen they will tell you

    enjoy your life

  4. Yeah, but it probably won't be that easy. I think you have what I have, GAD.

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  5. I think you should stop worrying and just live your life to the fullest and remember to drink enough water and get enough hours sleep

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