
I keep thinking if I made the right decision! ?

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all of my close friends are going to community college and transferring after two years. I am the only one who is going to move away, although not that far from home but will still be dorming. I feel like I should have gone to community college with them too and save some money. I could have figured out what I what to do with my life but instead i made a hasty decision and I think I will be stressed out with the UC system workload! I don't know if I should withdraw my admission from university.




  1. Can you afford it or are you going into major debt?

    If you can afford it, justify your decision by giving it 110%.  Stay focused, be confident, and don't quit.  Ever.  Let your friends go their way and you go yours, because you're the one that has to look yourself in the mirror every morning and live with your decisions.  

    If you can't afford it, it changes it up a bit.  Personally, I avoid debt like the plague, even if it's "good debt."  It's still debt, and you still have to drag it around with you for years and years when you're finished with school.  It's hard on a marriage when you have school debt, car debt, house or rent debt, grocery bills and then baby bills.  Sound far fetched?  It's closer than you think.

  2. You made the right decision, you're the one that's ahead of the pack. You will get the whole 4 year college experience your friends in community college unfortunately won't get. You'll also have an advantage at graduate schools and jobs because being at a UC for 4 years is seen as stronger than spending 2 at a CC.

    It's natural to feel the way you do and scary to leave home and old friends. You'll soon have interesting new friends too and activities at your college and we all move on in life if we're going places.

    I think the regret you would have later in life is not doing this. Community college would just be like 2 more years of high school, it's time to go for it!

  3. I would just go, you are already enrolled. If you try to get into cc now, all the classes are probably almost filled up....

    However, I did choose a community college over university. My friend is already 29,000 in debt (she got a lot of scholorships/grants/aid) and then there is me, who is going to a cc and got so much financial aid that I am getting about 1,200 dollars in a check just back (after tuition, school supplies, books) Like I'm getting paid to go to college....

  4. You're just panicking. You can find yourself away from home more easily than in familiar surroundings because you'll be thrown on yourself without the distractions of others. Cheer up!

    I don't know what UC is--Connecticut, Colorado, or California, but all those states have competent state schools, and irrespective of how hastily the decision was made it is probably a good one.

  5. Most kids end up hating community college. There are a lot of unmotivated people and you'll carry that stigma forever because everyone knows the standards for getting into a UC as a transfer are way lower. Run to the UC and don't look back!

  6. All your friends are losers...and are behind thats why they are at a JC.

    I went to a JC and you are wasting your time.  Do not withdraw and stay at the UC.  Transfer far from home and those freinds.  You are the avg of your three closest friends.   Graduate in four years and major in the sciences so you can get a job.

    You should seriosuly do what I say.  You will not be saving that much money and a JC is a bad idea.  Really bad idea.

    UC's are cool and just take 3 classes your first quarter and get doog grades.  Dont get into the party scene to much and work on your future.

    Forget your friends at the JC.  I left them behind and it was a GREAT idea.

    You will get new ones in the dorm.  Trust me.

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