
I keep trying but no luck?

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My mom is need of desperate prayer and I have trying to help her by doing just that.My moms freind has a n abusive ex husband and abusive kids due to him.I keep praying that my mom gets away from her and them beacause she already has enough baggage so she dont need hers.Each time I pray they always end up not talking for a while Ijust want the day that they never talk again to come.What shoul I do in order for that to happen.




  1. i dont no but u should tell ur mom u dont want her dealing with them but yet its ur moms life i mean shes old enough but just talk to her good luck

  2. God will take care of this matter. I just prayed for you.

  3. Unfortunately you are doing all you can. You can pray and hope for the best for someone but you can't control the outcome. If you believe in God, then you believe he will know what is best for her. You can offer to be there for her but apart from this and prayer, there isn't much else you can do. If she chooses to let these people in her life, you can't control this and you can't change her. She needs to decide for herself if this friendhsip is worth it.

    You said your mom already has enough baggage. You probably have your own problems to worry about too. Consider this not your problem! It is OK to feel this way, you are just stating the truth. It is fine to care about someone and have sympathy for their situation while at the same time seperating yourself and not getting involved. I would just say this to myself: "I care but I am not going to let this affect my life in a negitive way." and if you have to tell your mom the same, so be it. Be there for her but tell her point blank that it's not your problem and you don't want to be involved.

    Instead of praying for other people to do what YOU want them to, why not try a different approach. Say a blessing for everyone and pray for the best outcome for THEM, not you! Praying for something won't help if you are praying for something that wasn't meant to be. You might think you know what's best but this is not your choice to make. You can't make this decision for your mom. If she wants to get involved in drama, let her. Just don't get yourself involved. You could also just try telling her the truth, "Mom, why don't you drop these losers? This isn't your problem and it's making you unhappy. It's really making you a negitive person and I want my mom back!" and maybe this will work. Sometimes people just need to hear the truth, while other times it's best to stay out of it. Think this over and make a wise decision here. Best of luck!

  4. Pray extra hard.

  5. ask someone to help you

  6. all i can say is..

    pray with all your heart and soul.

    and pray for that woman and her misguided kids.

    i will pray for you all also.

    try and talk to god and stay by your mom's side.

    i will pray fro you all.

    best of wishes.

    god bless



  7. Dear Father in Heaven,

      I am joining Mason in prayer for his mother. He is worried about her and about the influence of her friend on her. Although he cannot control what his mother does or who her friends are, he is asking for your help in this matter because he loves her. We know that you have all power and can arrange circumstances so that all things will work together for good. I ask for your will to be done in her life and that you will place a hedge of protection around her. Thank you so much for letting us come to you with our problems. I pray a special blessing for Mason and his mother and I thank you for what you will be doing in their lives. I pray this in Jesus' mighty name.......Amen!

                             †   On-call Prayer Warrior   †

  8. God works in weird ways. Maybe He put your mom there for such a time as this... to help the other woman.

    Keep praying for her!

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