
I keep trying to learn electronics but it seems overwhelming.?

by  |  earlier

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plz list a site that helps you learn abut electronics easily but still gives lots of details and maybe analogies plz.




  1. Radio Shack used to publish a pretty good paper book.  They may have it online now.

  2. With electronics it is helpful to choose analogue or digital. With digital you can get really inexpensive components and connect them on a breadboard.

    With analogue electronics you deal more with signals and you'll need a function generator and a scope to check what your circuit does.

    I would start at simple power supplies as it is used in all circuits. You will then learn about rms values diodes and capacitors along with what is meant with dc and ac.

    Understanding ohm's law is a major part of electronics, to understand it exactly is vital. So check out power supplies and how to build them.

    You can also buy many kits with diagrams and explanations like Velleman kits.

  3. It could have to do with your study habits.

    If you read something in your textbook that does not sink in, read it again.  If you still do not understand, ask questions of your instructor or TA.  The important thing is to understand before you move on.

    Try reading ahead in your textbook before that actual lecture.  That way, the lecture is not the first time that you hear about something.

  4. Start with the basics, and take your time.

    Learn Ohms Law: voltage = current times resistance.

    Then, learn the resistor colour code.

    Your nearest community college probably offers a nightschool course in Electronics, where you might be able to learn to solder as you build a simple kit - they probably have a book store with relevant books too.

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