
I kep dreaming about a round gold amulet ( maybe a face )?

by  |  earlier

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that is suppose to help me fix things that are falin apart any ideas




  1. That is a great dream!

    Look in jewelry stores for something that resembles what you dreamed. Don't buy something that is sort of like it but doesn't feel right, find an amulet that FEELS like the one in your dream. Use your intuition. Take your time. You need a strong gut feeling about it.

    BETTER YET - if you are able to make an amulet like in your dream. I don't know your craft skills. If you can't fashion real gold, you could get some sort of craft fimo clay or something and paint it gold.

    Then you need to consencrate your amulet in a ceremony. Any good book on magick will tell you how. Here's a book:

    "Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft" by Raymond Buckland

  2. Focus on the metal and the type of face and more importantly the emotions felt when you see the amulet. I used to dream of an object, and after months of doing what I just mentioned, I found it's meaning quite takes just one real world item/word/sound to make it all click.

    Short will know when you are meant to and not before, no matter how hard you try to figure it out.

  3. It's an ordinary dream from your subconscious.

    A real communication is crystal clear and requires

    no complex interpretation.


  4. Maybe it is a taliman one of your ancestors owned or is still in yoru family, they are suppose to have magical powers. Joseph smith of th emormons used one the jupiter talimans to help him form the mormon church.

    Here is a picture of one, see if it matches what you see in your dream.

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