
I killed a roach ("domestic one") and something red came out,it looked like blood. Could it be blood? Why?

by Guest65866  |  earlier

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Could it be that it bit someone?




  1. Well ide say so, how else would the oxygen get around the roaches body :0

  2. First of all, there is no such thing as a "domestic" roach.  All Cockroaches are wild.  It's just that some species like to frequent human habitations while others do not.

    Second, they do NOT drink blood, so that cannot be blood.  He had probably eaten something with red food coloring in it.

    The blood of insects is usually clear or greenish, not red.

  3. I've never seen blood come out of a cockroach before. When I stepped on them one night at the old victorian home I used to stay at, the guts would look white and brown with a bit of goo.

    If it looked like blood, it may be that the cockroach ate something with red in it.  

  4. roaches dont have red could be something else...not sure what it could be.

  5. Yes, maybe.

    Cockroach blood is not red because they do not use hemoglobin to carry oxygen. In fact their bloodstream is not used to carry oxygen either. They use a system of pipes called tracheae to bring the oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from their tissues.

    As a result other factors determine the blood color. Male cockroaches have relatively colorless blood. Larval females have colorless blood. Only adult females which are producing eggs have a slightly orange blood because of the protein vitellogenin which is made in the cockroach liver (its fat body) and transported through the blood to the ovary. This protein like chicken yolk is orange because it carries a carotenoid, which is a vitamin A like molecule needed by embryos to develop normally.

  6. eeewwww  

  7. Could it have been it's disgusting egg sack?  They will sometimes p**p one out when they're being killed.  They're not bloodlike though.  Roaches don't bite, and don't drink blood.  

  8. yeah

  9. "Only adult females which are producing eggs have a slightly orange blood because of the protein vitellogenin which is made in the cockroach liver (its fat body) and transported through the blood to the ovary"

    cockroach blood is not red.

  10. Nope.Impossible.

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