
I killed my pet today; Did I do the right thing?

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His intestines had come out of his rear end completley. We could not afford yet aother operation on my veiled chameleon named "Little Man". My fiancee and I may break up over this, because he thought we could find a way. I have $250 to my name and he was waiting for money someone owed him (hoping to get it this month). I wanted him to suffer less, but I feel like he suffered greatly. The Dr. gave him anestisia but, he held his breath, and when she gave him the shot, he looked in pain. She had to give him 3 shots, and it took nearly an hour. It is 5:30 am for me, I cannot sleep and I am completly sober although I have and am still trying to drink the thought away. I am in more pain than I ever knew. I only wanted him to die in peace. Please tell me your opinions.




  1. You did the right thing. Your pet had suffered enough. He's at peace now.

  2. your pet is at peace now. you did the right thing. sorry for your loss. xx .

  3. I am really sad for your loss and I hope you feel better now...You did the right thing dont beat your self up. You will have other pets and you will have to make this kind of decision right through your life ..We all have at some point and it is really tough......  

  4. oh  my gosh!! thank goodness! I thought by ur heading you meant you actualy KILLED your pet for no reason. lol.

    Well anyway, I know its hard to tell if you did the right thing or not.

    I had to put my kitten down at only 11 weeks old because of a Kidney failure. I know its not the same but it feels that way.

    I know it must have been worse for you because you watched it happen and I didn't but whether he your pet died in peace or not you just have to believe that he is in a better place now.

    Suffering like that is much worse than dieing so just accept the fact that he is gone but not in pain anymore. :)

    Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon.

  5. You killed your pet...that could have been the right choice if he was in real pain...well he had to die someday and you could have just saved him from longer times of pain. But you know... animals have feeling too and shooting him...nope that was too harsh on him...seeing as u wanted him to die peacefully.

    But u did the right thing though.

  6. Your intentions were good, there comes a time where everyone has to put down their pet because they'd suffer otherwise. Operations can be expensive and dont let anyone tell you that you're stingey or mean or cruel or heartless for not being able to come up with the money, there's only so much you could have done!

    Hope you feel better and just know that your pet died in peace..

  7. Aww that's terrible!

    Just calm down...I think you did the right thing. Who wants someone, or something to suffer like that? I wouldn't it was good you put him out of his misery...

    xoxoxox Annie May!

  8. You did the right thing. Reminds me of the book Marley and me

  9. You didn't kill it, a vet euthanised it. But in it's condition, it was right.

  10. I've worked as a veterinary technician for 8 years now.  It's never an easy thing to witness and going through it personally is far worse.  At first I felt like I was killing all those animals.  Eventually I had to view things differently or I think it would have done me in.  I consider it a privledge to end their suffering.  You did the same thing.  Our pets rely on us to take care of them.  They are powerless and if we allow them to keep suffering, they have no voice in the matter.  As hard as it may be for us, it's the right thing to do.  It's a selfless act for us to put aside our own pain and do what is best for them.  I know it is hard, but please forgive yourself and realize you helped him out when he needed you the most.  

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