
I kind of don't like my dad's girlfriend...what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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My dad's been dating this girl for at least 3 yrs. There's nothing particularly wrong with her...but she's rude in the underlying type of way. For instance, she told my dad that he spends too much time with his kids which is a lie because i rarely ever see him since he left when i was 6 and divorced my mom (after giving her chlamydia cause he cheated) when i was 8. She came to visit over fathers day and so i didnt even see my own father on father's day or his birthday which is the day right before father's day. When my dad was having an angeoplasty, he told HER what was going on but i had to find out from an email after the deed had already happened. everything about her just sets me on edge and when she comes she stays for a long time.I'm so uncomfy around her but my dad doesn't care. He even takes off of work when she comes. he never does that with me.And now he's pushed my mother out of our church cause it's awkward to have her there when my mom found that church! am i being stupid?




  1. try to understand her because your she is your dad's girl friend.

  2. sounds like you have some real concerns, maybe you should talk to your dad alone or over the phone and tell him how you feel. suggest a day that just the 2 of you can spend time together with out her.

    rather you like it or not, it sounds like she is there to stay for awhile so you will either have to accept her or tolerate her.

  3. you should tell him how you feel about her and you think hes being unfair to you.  i used to not like my moms boyfriends but i realized i didnt get to choose who my dad was before i was born so i shouldnt get to choose my moms boyfriend.  but let your dad know that he treats her better than you.  best of luck!

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