
I kinda feel bad for George Bush?

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I see people blame him for basically everything that has gone wrong in our country. When really, there are plenty of people in the congress, senate, and other branches of the government that have made these decisions, and or can veto his decisions. The president is basically the guy who goes on the podium and says what the rest of the government feels I think. George Bush to me, is just a scapegoat, someone that the country wants to blame, for things that have gone wrong. Do you agree? And please, I want some educated answers, more than half of the people in this country who hate Bush have no real reason why to hate him except for the fact that everyone else hates him, because its basically a fad now.




  1. You have no cause to feel sorry for the President of the USA. People who run for president know exactly the benefits and drawbacks. The President of the USA most definitely isn't '..the guy who goes on the podium and says what the rest of the government feels..' and the President isn't just a scapegoat. If people feel that way, it's a damning condemnation of the American political system.

    The fact is George W Bush hasn't been a good President and he hasn't made good decisions. He's either had bad advice, or he hasn't listened to his advisers, and he has allowed his heart to rule his head.

    The global and domestic events of the past eight years have provided unique opportunity for a great President to emerge, leading the USA as an example of justice, integrity, and morality to the rest of the world. Sadly for the USA and the rest of the world George Bush hasn't been up to the task so don't feel sorry for him. Let the USA put the past eight years behind them and look to the future.

  2. GW is a total failure. He has never held a job.

    Over 4000 americans have died in this senseless war and over a million displaced and/or dead Iraqis.

    He will go down as the worst president of all time.

    If there is a h**l below, he will be there along with Chaney

  3. Congress doesn't have veto power, Bush does.  Bush vetoes are the reason Congress hasn't been able to do anything.

  4. Its a part of the job. People want someone to blame so they go to the president. They are either too lazy to find out whos fault it is, or are too ignorant to realize that the president isnt the only one that makes decisions.

  5. I blame you for asking such a great question that make people think! If I wasn't so angry at myself for blaming someone else when it's not thier fault I'm going to blame you!

    Disclaimer-I'm fully aware that did not make much sense

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