
I kinda students are mostly much older than me...some of them are cops/police officers. What2do?

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It's kinda hard for me to maintain composed in class having this kind of students. I'm kinda bubbly, friendly, childish. Somekind of a Barney. Here i am having a bunch of adult students more matured n serious than me. I don't know how to handle them. I'm seriously freaking out.

Any tips?




  1. I'm in my 20's and teach psychology, and have run into this every semester. I agree with the advice of emphasizing your work in the field. Use examples, quote research, really know your stuff. Now that I have my doctorate I use this title in my emails and the first day of school. If someone challenges your authority, it's important to act fast. Ask to meet individually and find out what's going on for them. Remember that the school hired you for your accomplishments and work it! There's nothing wrong with being light-hearted as long as you know your stuff. Good luck!

  2. I taught Spanish to people as old as my parents and grandparents in my first year of college, at age 18. When I stood in front of the class, I was Teacher and they were students. THEY do not need handling; you must somehow develop the self-confidence to be a leader. Do your job and stop worrying about the age difference.

  3. I seldom read answers before I answer a question, but I was looking for an avatar, and got carried away with all those great answers and added a few thumbs. There is not much more I can add. Best policy is to know who you are and then be that person at all times. If you will, intimidation will surrender.

  4. They are there to learn something. You were hired to be their teacher. That means that no matter what their ages or professions, you have some level of expertise that they do not. You need to be confident in yourself and your ability. Don't see them as adults, see them as your students. That doesn't mean that you should treat them like little kids....but you probably would not be as intimidated if they were kids, would you? Just remember, even though they may be older than you, they are still looking to you for guidance. Just be the teacher! If you know your material, then you can do it. Be yourself. It sounds like you are a fun person. Just because they seem old and serious does not mean they want a boring class. Have fun with it- no one likes to be bored!

  5. I am constantly learning from people who are younger than I am, many of whom are still in their teens, and I'm in my sixties.

    Handling THEM isn't the problem, you don't seem to know how to handle yourself. If you know something and know how to teach it, that's all there is to it. Get out of your own way. About fifteen years ago a four-year old boy showed me a better way to tie shoelaces. He knew something that I did not and he taught me. Simple!

  6. i like Mellissa A's, Alyssak1's, and Jeff's answer ALOT.

    if i was in the class i would just want to know what i dont..

    and it'd probably be easy to remember with you making it fun.

    you have great protection and fire power in there. lol

    oh ya, you cant freak out on the job, or they'll shoot you.


  7. Hi... I think I'm in the same shoe as you. You see, I'm 18 and now I'm doing my first degree in the university in counseling and psychology. My classmates are not that old from me, but then there is a gap of age between me and them.

    What I do is try to be as much of myself in class and be more friendly and approachable to them. this will helps to relax the tension in class and to make the class more cheerful.

    It is much easy for you for you are a bubbly,friendly and childish "Barney" like person. Although you are with the older people which already have career like cops and officers, it is an advantage for you to learn more and gain more from them.

    Last but not least, don't freak out and try not to estranged yourself from them for the chemistry between you and them are not lost. It is you that have to find it..... :)

  8. In order to reach any student regardless of age, degree or career, you must let them know you are in charge.  You also need to work on your personality in the classroom.  It's ok to be bubbly, friendly - but never childish!  You will not gain the respect of your students if you are not mature and able to manage the classroom.  This is a must!  You must go to work appropriately dressed, ready to teach.  You must also be aggressive in your preparation and delivery.  Teaching is serious business and they are expecting you to provide them with your knowledge.  Some of them will be serious because to them, education is serious.  It should also be serious to you.  Man up!

  9. I think your personality would help lighten the mood of the room, these people are taught to be straight forward and direct all the time so you might be a breathe of fresh air. Feel out the room and then ease them into your personality, they will probably be more willing to learn if they are able to be more open and comfortable with their teacher...

  10. First you don't have to change your personality but dress a bit more formal when you teach. Find out more about their job, so you would know what to relate when you teach sometimes. Get to know more about them, eg character, personality, their ability. Students always find they are "student" when they realize you know them better than themselve. Hope you enjoy. Good luck~

  11. teach dont freak

  12. "Acting!"

    You're a "Thespian!"


  13. Hopefully you know more than they do about whatever you are teaching in your class.  Try not to focus on the fact that they are older than you are.  Be yourself, but be confident in what you know.  Make sure they know your qualifications and strengths, so they can have respect for that.  Acknowledge what they bring, too, as adults.  If it's early in the class (or even if it's not) you can ask them for feedback about what they want from the class to make sure you are working together and meeting their needs and expectations.  As long as you do that you will be fine.  It's great to be bubbly and friendly as a teacher.  It helps you to be more interesting. You probably don't come across as childish as you fear you do.

    You'll do fine!

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