
I kinda have a problem with this girl that i dated for about 1 year, and now she hates me what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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Well before we broke up we had this big arguement and then i slipped and accidently called her a ***** and she broke up with me. and i went to her house to talk to her but that didnt work, so it was over. I wanted to remain friends with her, but she said i had to give her time so i did and left her alone. i talked to her sometiems and i guess i annoyed her so she started hating me more and more. Then she started with trying to make me jealous by saying shes going out with some guy gonna do stuff with some guy and just stuff that would make me jealous. so i tried to act like i didnt care and it was just hard and then she kept doing this and is still doing this i talked to her about it and she just says well its working and stuff like that. And all i want to do with her is just be friends thats all talk normally. but she said shes never gonna forgive me for what i said to her because it really hurt. and i dont really know what to do, like i tried leaving her alone i didnt work and talking to her she just hangs up the phone please i really need some suggestions,and i also ingnored her and tried to make her jealous but nothing. i need help big time




  1. Move on.

    You probably can't see it at the moment though.

    Just go out with your mates more, and enjoy being single. As soon as you start to like it - along comes someone else.

  2. females and too meny feelings.

    suck it up move on.   cant you see thats what she wants to have  you on her sack?

  3. I dont think she wants anything to do with you.

    Seriously the only advice i could give you is to get over her.

    Find yourself some distraction, find yourself first and stop begging for something that has been lost.

    Shes giving you hints, do something for yourself and just stop trying to get her attention. Shes over it.


  4. girls are really emotional and u shouldnt call her that to be friends with her your going to have to do something really really special!

  5. She's using that one time you called her a ***** as ammo, and she's holding it over your head and won't let you forget it. If she were mature, you'd be able to talk about it, and she'd let you apologize. She might still like you since she's trying to make you jealous, but she's probably just enjoying attempting to control you.

    If she's not going to forgive you for that, what good would she be as a friend anyway?

    Move on, man.

  6. Well to be honest i would just try and forget about her..What you did was an accident. It shouldnt hurt her! shes over reacting. I would of just alughed at something like that. Shes just being a bit of a brat.

    Or shes trying to do it as if shes just trying too see have much yu care by keeping on coming back too her.

  7. Do it!!!! Forget about her.  I was once through the same c**p over and over.  Totally forget about her and move on and have fun.  Don't waste your time going around and around with silly non-sense.  The answer is: Do not speak to her or correspond with her whatsoever.  DO NOT give into her games, just down right ignore her and move on.  Why should you be kept hanging on the hook?  Turn the tables on her and stick to you guns, otherwise it won't work.  People want what they can't have, reverse pschology bro.  I had a ex-girlfriend call me 3 years later, but was involved with others and didn't have the time.  Avoid her and find another boom-boom.

  8. Well, obviously she dosn't want to have anything to do with you, so just try to leave her alone. Don't agnore her. If she says hi, say hi back. Don't start a conversation. Let her do that. Be nice though...don't annoy her. Eventually she will realize that that was the past and will move on, and befriend you. Just try that and if that dosn't work, just completely leave her alone. Hoped that helped! Good Luck to the both of you!

  9. okay well u called her a *****... never call a woman that -_- and maybe she said she had a bf or w.e to get you off her back. i mean you guys broke up after a 1 year relationship.that takes time to be friends again. what you should do is just leave her alone for a while and wait til she comes to you OR you could just leave her alone for a while and talk to her whenever you think times right.

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