
I kinda have an embarrassing question... help?

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whenever i laugh hard, i pee my pants. i've been doing this since i was little, and i thought i would grow out of it, but i havent and i am 13. its not something i can help, it just happens. could this be a medical issue? how can i stop this?




  1. sounds like "stress incontinence"...  any forceful exertion: laughing, bearing done, etc will cause some leaking.  it gets worse with a full bladder.  usually caused by a weakness to the bladder sphincter muscle in women after child birth and elderly women.  In your case being so young, you really need to see a urologist and have them evaluate you as to why this has continued to happen.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Have you gone to a urologist? They could probably help. I'm not sure what you could do to stop it. I don't have a medical degree so I don't really know. It's doesn't sound like a mental problem.

  3. Talk to your mom.  Have her make an appointment for you at the doctor.  They have medicines that can control your bladder.  One that comes to mind is "Ditropan".  I used it for a while.  It worked for me.  

  4. Yeah, see a doctor about it. You need more bladder control!

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