
I kinda like my best friend, but...?

by  |  earlier

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Well, not my BEST friend, but a really good friend. She just broke up with her boyfriend, but she's perfectly fine! She's a very positive girl, and...well...I've always thought she was cute. But I know she wouldn't go out with me. Don't ask me why I say this, because I don't know. It's just something my gut is telling me. Which is weird, because I don't usually get this feeling. It just seems like...she wouldn't. But what really surprised me was when I told my best friend (who's a girl) and she said she already knew! And that it was obvious! So...what should I do to have any shot with her? Not that it really matters, she'll only see me as a friend...but still, I wanna know.




  1. ask her friend shes the one who knows her best

  2. I would wait for a little while, just to make sure she really is over her break up. ...we girls can put up a pretty good front you know. You may ask around, (but not obviously, don't want rumors messing with your relationship) And find out if other people think it would work out. Friends have a way of seeing the secrets we don't want them to know about. But remember, if you do decide to ask her out, you might be risking your friendship. ...It can never be the same once she knows you like her. If she doesn't like you back.

    Best of Luck to you. I've been there before. It's not easy.

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