
I kissed another girl on holiday? Do I tell my girlfriend of 6 months?

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When I was on holiday with some friends I kissed (small kiss) another girl. My friends don't know about it but a friend of the girl I kissed added some off my friends on Facebook and have been talking about how me and this girl were chatting and having a laugh together one evening.

Should I tell my girlfriend? I know I made a mistake but i really dont want to break her heart because i love her so much but I also wanna be transparent with her?

Really need some help with this one people.

Thanks x




  1. I say you tell her. She's gonna like you for who you are. And if she forgives you well than you don't take advantage of it. EVERYONE makes mistakes, but they can also become habits. Ask her if she would fogive you if you kissed someone and check out her facial expression so you'd know how to proceed.

  2. OMG how dare you? I agree with the first answer

  3. i think you should tell and fast.... i mean i know you'd break her heart but what do you think will happen if she hears it from another person... at least if you do tell her you might have that 40% chance that she'd forgive you.  

  4. no

  5. If it were me I would want to know. Just make sure to tell her it didn't mean anything, that other girl doesn't mean anything to you, and that your girlfriend is the only one you want to be with.

    She will be upset for a little bit but then I think she will realize that you cared enough to be honest. She'll probably be able to trust you since you proved your honesty this time.

    It will be a LOT worse if she finds out on her own, TRUST ME.

    Just make sure to keep sending her your sentiments.

  6. If your mind and heart are telling you you did wrong , then tell her and apologize . Tell her the truth and ask for forgiveness and if she cares about you she will , if not then go try the other girl.

  7. It wasn't the best move you could've made, but I'd leave it behind and move on. It's likely a much bigger deal will be made of it, than it deserves so don't bring it up...and don't stray again. If you really dig your chick, don't do anything to s***w that up. If you get the urge to start kissing other women (or more) then end it and move on.

  8. If you sincerely regret kissing this other girl then you have learned from it and there's no reason to tell your girlfriend.  

  9. If it meant so very little to you and it was so minor a kiss.

    I would let this one slide, not only would it hurt her, but it would bring up trust issues.

        Just be sure nothing like this ever happens again, these things can get blown so out of proportion one they hit the grape vine and anyone who may have a grudge to bear against you or your gf, will enjoy the emotional turmoil you put yourself in, it's like i always say.....If someone holding a gun on you, would you hand them the amunition ??

  10. I think you should tell her before she finds out by somebody else. It'll hurt her more if she found out by another person.

  11. dont her nothing because if she finds out u kissed another girl ur a dead man

  12. Whatever you do don't tell her. If the kiss didn't mean anything to you don't say anything you will break her heart. Then she will probably break up with you so don't tell her.

  13. Tell her it was a small kiss and you regret it cause it hurt your relationship together reassure her that you want to remain with her and the kiss meant nothing best thing is to be truthful in a relationship. TELL YOUR GIRLFRIEND SORRY if you tell her. good luck

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