
I knew this weirdo who said the Royal Family are really reptiles, hidden beneath a human guise?

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Personally I find it terribly hard to believe the lovely Princess Diana or Queen mom are of reptilian origin.

What do you think is wrong with the guy who told me this?

Do you think he just watched too many episodes of V or is it something far more serious?

Additionally he also mentioned most politicians and world leaders are reptiles.




  1. Could be true, I guess we'd have to rip off their skin to find out.

  2. an old story,if it's true they should get their money back because they couldn't run a raffle let alone the world

  3. There's actually a book about this.  I've included a link.  I don't even remember why I read it.  It was one of the strangest things I've ever read in my life.

  4. That is the plot of a fiction book by David Icke, which claims that we are born into a world controlled by unseen forces that have plagued and manipulated humanity for thousands of years.....basically your "matrix" plot of unknown dimensions of reality. Yes, the big political leaders are supposed to be "alien reptiles" who control humanity, and we have no way of escaping their mind control....

    Take it for what it is - a work of fiction. A good one at that, which has sold lots of copies and apparently has a movie in the works.

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