
I kno I'm gonna sound crazy but....?

by  |  earlier

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Do you know the time machine thing in Futurama? Where Fry gets frozen and and then unfrozen in the year 2999 to live in the year 3000?

Well, what's that thing called? The thing he was frozen in?

Does it actually exist? and if so, is it possible to freeze humans for so long?

I'm actually curious of trying it out...SERIOUS




  1. actually I know that they do freeze people and then they unfreeze them after a couple of years later and actually Walt Disney is frozen. People believe he is dead but supposely he had an incurrable heart disease and he said he didn't want to die in his 50's and they decided to freeze him and unfreeze him until they find a cure for his heart disease!

  2. It's a CARTOON.  You may want to start reading books.  Never mind... you should go ahead a freeze yourself.  We'll revive you when we need you....(holding back a chuckle).

  3. Actualy it's happening.. There are dead people who are being frozen by their family members. They believe that they could be revived in the next thousand years. But that, in my opinion, won't happen.. Technology can't make a dead person to come alive.. But, try to search for it in National Geographic or Discovery Channel.. It's a fun trivia to learn.

  4. I think the term you're looking for is "cryogenics."  Many believe it possible to revive a cryogenically frozen carcass in the future, but I'm thinking 1,000 years of freezer burn is a b****!

  5. you can freeze your self by sleeping in a mountain of ice but dint know if you'll st be able to wake up or not. seriously dude its just a cartoon you can do anything in it.

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