
I kno this isnt good. but i did a drug like 3 days ago and found out i was pregnant. can that harm my baby?

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the other night i went out with the girls and we went all out with a bang. i did a drug but i knew i was pregnant.I'm about 2 months and i wanted to know if this would hurt my baby?




  1. Yes - there is the potential that you could harm your baby if you use drugs.  It depends on what drug, how much you used and the vulnerability of the baby.  Why on Earth would you use drugs when you are pregnant?  You are about to be a mother - it's time to make better, more responsible choices.

  2. It is possible that it did harm your baby, it depends on what the drug was and how much of it you took. I don't understand why you would do that if you knew that you were pregnant. It's one thing to do it and then find out later that you are pregnant, but that was just a silly mistake on your part. Not trying to be harsh, but I'm sure you want a healthy baby, so PLEASE don't do that anymore!

  3. Your stupid not to mention sick! Might as well hit your stomach with a load of bricks. If your gonna be selfish end the pregnancy as your baby doesnt need to go through having an irresposible selfish mother. Protecting your child doesnt start when its born hunny! And yes even one drug can have an effect but i giess you wouldnt know that because your too busy getting hugh with your GIRLS!!!

    grow up please or keep your legs closed!

  4. Maybe or maybe not.  This is a question for your doctor though.  What drug was it?

  5. Are you ******* kidding me? You knew you were pregnant before and still went out and still did the drug. Yes that can hurt your child very badly,so i would for now on do no more drugs and go get checked out.

  6. dont let everyone else put u u think that u are the only mother to be that has done drugs thought out there pregnancy....NOPE!!!! ur just hang in ur next couple of docs appoitments u will be going for tests to seee if there is anything wrong with ur baby or not....dont let everyone else make u feel bad....noe everyone is perfect and do make mistakes...i would say just dont do it again....and the next time u have a question like that and u dont wanna be harrised by all these e-mail is

  7. Depending on the drug. If it was just marijuana, it's safe. You can smoke weed up to 4 or 5 months into the pregnancy without harming the baby. If it were almost any other drug, it may harm the child. Maybe not though.

  8. Yes it can cause birth defects or developmental problems. Why would you do the drug knowing you are pregnant? The first couple of months of your pregnancy are very crucial because that's when the baby's organs begin growing and all kinds of stuff!  

  9. Ya it could hurt your baby.

    And if you knew you were pregnant and you did it're not fit to be a parent.

    That's disgusting and if I could....I'd reach through the computer and slap you.

  10. Of course it could harm your baby. That is why the doctors tell you to NOT USE drugs or alcohol during pregnancy and since you are still in your first trimester, a crucial time for fetal development, it may have caused some damage. Talk to your doctor about it ASAP. It may have done nothing, but better safe than sorry, huh? OOPS TOO LATE FOR SAFE!

  11. It depends on what kind of drug you did. My ob/gyn asked a friend of mine if she smoked marijuana she admitted she di and he told her taht would cure her morning sickness. she was losing a lot of weight and unable to eat. I don't agree with that but he has the degree not me. But there are other drugs that can cause a lot of damage to the baby so it all depends on what you took.

  12. it all depends on what sort of "drug" ur talking about!!!

    i think its really sad when sum1 who knows there pregnant and still continue 2 take drugs or acohol!? when there is descent people out there trying for years to have a baby the 1st 3 months r very important whilst pregnant but that doesnt mean after 3 months u can take drugs again! u wont no until u get ur later scan to c if there is any problems i already have a gorgeous little girl and iv just came off the pill 2 weeks ago 2 try 4 another i would NEVER risk it, its just not worth it but i do hope everthing works out 4 u  

  13. are you f***ing kidding of course yes

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