
I know, lots of questions, but one more. does this mean my horse is starting to like me?

by  |  earlier

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we went riding, i groomed her a few times, gave her a couple carrots, and we were just hanging out in the shade, and i had to go in real quick, so i tied her to the hitching rail, and when i walked out, she nickered, and it sounded like this

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(not my horse)

but yeah, does this mean that she is starting to know me and starting to like me?

thank you everyone!




  1. Yes, any time a horse nickers at you, it means they want your attention, or they are happy to see you. It&#039;s a wonderful thing when you know you are bonding with your horse.

  2. of course it does!  Shes getting used to you and beginning to realizehow much you love and care for her.  It&#039;s a great thing! Good luck with her!

  3. That&#039;s her way of communicating.  Most horses nicker when they want something.  She might have been nickering because she thought you had food or she wanted untying.  Mine talk to me all the time, they whinny when my car drives up.  It&#039;s nice to think they are doing it because they are happy to see me but horses don&#039;t really think like that.  They associate me with being fed and taken care of so they are &quot;talking&quot; because they are asking for something.  We humans like to interpret it as they are responding to us personally but I think that&#039;s rarely the case.

  4. ys it does it means she s stating to like you and is happy to see you it feels so great when you know they want and love you congrats!

  5. yep! Nickering is a sign of intrest and affection. Find out what Ur horse likes and spend lots of time with it and this will b more frequent!

  6. It certainly does! Both my boys do this to me when i walk up.

    I love it:)

  7. It sure does! Congratz!

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