
I know, this is kinda a stupid Q, but how do I answer when people....

by Guest62456  |  earlier

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ask,"does he bite?" I have a miniature horse who I drive up the road and people ask that ALOT. I usually just say "when you make him mad" but I'd like something else (that's maybe nicer lol).




  1. Say "Only people he doesn't like."

  2. Say "if you put your fingers by his mouth"

    Does he actually bite, or only when he thinks youare giving him a treat (ei: put your fingers by his mouth) lol

    If he really DOES bite...I would just tell him he bites, it would suck if they decided to sue you because he bit someone o.O

    If he doesn't really bite than just say that and tell them if you want to pet him pet his neck not his nose :) and keep the opposite taught so he can't swing around and try to nip :P

    I LOVE taking my Mini down the orad in his buggy :D to bad know that it is pavved people speed down it :(

  3. "only if you bite him first"


    "actually he is quite gentle"

  4. "He has teeth, doesn't he?"

  5. Annoying isn't it:)

    Try saying he's sweet but you still need to be careful.

    Or Sometimes... why don't you pet his neck or scratch his ears he likes that;)

  6. Say to adults "No just don't put your hands any were else but his back, you should be good."???????????????

    to kids say "If you be nice to him he won't bite."????

    I really have no clue and it isnt like you will see those people ever again anywys so whatever.

  7. I would tell them that he is friendly but keep your fingers away from his mouth.

    I learned the hard way that my friends horse actually does kick (really hard!) when my friend swore 2 days before that she didnt. I am always cautious of the horses that 'never' kick or bite after that incident. Better safe than sorry.  

  8. If you dont treat him how u want to be treated

  9. Just say," No! He is a very sweet horse! They should have the human intellegance to know that a horse will bite or anything if you make it mad!

  10. I really like the answer you have now. Its honest, and it puts the responsibility back on the person to be polite to your horse. But it doesn't make him sound like a jerk.

  11.   ; Only when he's hungry.

  12. Say that he doesn't usually bite, but it is never a good idea to pet a horse around the mouth area just in case...invite them to pet his mane.

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