
I know I'm getting fired ... how does one cope before they do it?

by  |  earlier

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I was told yesterday that I am being put on a "performance plan" and it may be 30 or 60 days. I know where I work this means you have 30 or 60 days before you get canned .. or as one of my team leaders put it, "before the axe falls". I have started putting out resumes, but I know I will eat c**p before I am let go. I am pretty nervous. I can't quit because I need the unemployment insurance checks. Has anyone else gone through this? How did you handle it?




  1. Use any sick/vacation time you may have and look for another job.  Not sure what you mean by eating c**p, but if you are harrassed, you can file a complaint with the state labor board.

  2. Most people who get put on a performance plan do so because they have screwed up a lot and this is their last chance to turn their work performance around.

    I would suggest you do just that. Work on your performance and give them a reason to keep you on.

    Good luck!

  3. go and get another job and move on, if you got this one you will get another one.

  4. tell them to hug a nut... get screwd go to h**l ...i was lookin for a job when i found this one... thank goodness im free...

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