
I know I'm in the wrong catogorie but can you please answer this for me? 10 points.?

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A few students and I were bored at lunch yesterday, and we all started to "British" accents well my friend told me that bloody was a curse word in the U.K. Is that true?





  1. no its not a curse word we say alot worse don't listen to your friend there nothing wrong with saying bloody

  2. probably not.

  3. lol not really.. we use it when saying 'bloody h**l thats bad' sort of thing but its mostly old people who say it...

    why does everyone think British people are like from a different planet...

  4. well I'm from the UK and bloody is and is not if you are talking about a story like "there was a man holding a knife in his bloody hands" then its not but if you say something like bloody h**l then it is.

  5. i went to Enland 4 two weeks and one of my friends used it 1 time i think it might be a curse but im not sure she said it at the dinner table in front of her parents but she is 19 so thats y im not so sure

  6. It is a strong word like bloody h**l. But not swear word.

  7. No, it's not a curse, it's an adjective.

  8. It's not exactly a "curse word" but it's kinda like "sucks" or "freaking" in America. Not exactly profanity, but not exactly something you'd want the little kids to be saying.

  9. It's a fairly mild one like d**n but the oomph factor is upped if it's delivered with plenty of venom & malice

  10. When a British person says "Bloody" before a word it kinda is like a swear word to British people.  However, it is not anything really bad, especially not to people from other countries.

  11. yer it is is a cursed word but we don't call it a curse word. we call it a swear word.

  12. yes it's the f word

  13. no. don't let your friends fool you. i'm british. we just say bloody in front of a lot of curse words like "bloody h**l" and such.

  14. It used to considered a rude kinda thing,

    but it's got quite desensitised over the years,

    and so now it's not a big deal at all,

    However it's the sort of thing a parent may tell its young child off for saying.

  15. bloody is a adjective

  16. I don't think its regarded as a curse word.   I have British friends who use it all the time.

    Here's an interesting piece on the origin of the word's usage in Britain:

  17. Yes it is.

    My dad lived there in his younger days, and he used to always say 'Bloody h**l' when he got mad.

  18. Ha-ha...No...We just think of that term as a British adjective!

  19. no.

    as an english man i can say its bloody well not.

    although we use it like it is.

    it used to be with all the old farts.

    no one uses it anymore though. 'bloody h**l' when shocked. but thats all.

  20. I remember in one of the Harry Potter movies, Ron used the word Bloody h**l and then the teacher he was with got mad. Not sure if it was because of Bloody or h**l. Maybe it is a curse word but Im not sure.

  21. No, it's not a curse word.

  22. I'm in Australia and we use it the way the Brits do ... as a swear word, kind of (not a bad one).  As in, "Geez, it's bloody hot!", etc.  Although an Australian tourism ad was shown in the UK to try and get the Brits to visit and the end line was "Where the bloody h**l are ya?" and the Brits complained because it had the word "bloody" in it, apparently.  So maybe they're not as fond of the word as we all think.

  23. It is not a curse word,  but it isn't very nice to say it.  Mind you,  i'd much rather hear or say "bloody"  than the F-word.  Also,  if the word is used as an adjective,  for example THERE WAS A BLOODY WAR GOING ON,  that is totally acceptable and is used correctly.  It is when it is used as an expletive such as:  I CAN'T WAIT TO TAKE THESE BLOODY SHOES OFF!  that some people take objection to.

  24. its not a curse anymore but it used to be. its like the word scumbag. its actual meaning is lost.

    Bloody is the adjectival form of blood but may also be used as an expletive attributive (intensifier) in Britain, Ireland, Canada, South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and Sri Lanka. Nowadays it is considered (by most of the population of these countries) to be a very mild expletive, and unlikely to cause offence in most circles.

  25. As a brit myself, we say bloody a lot but it's not classed as a curse word.

    Usually we end up saying it when something goes wrong like "Oh bloody h**l!!" It's nothing major, no-one takes note of it as a curse word.

    It's probably weaker then calling someone a b**** and it's definatly nowhere near being the f word, I know 10 and 11 year olds that say bloody h**l and no-one bats an eyelid.

  26. Well it's as much of a curse word as, say 'c**p' might be - like it's not really polite but it isn't really bad either. My mum wouldn't say it! She thinks it's a bad word! But my mum won't say 'h**l' or 'd**n' either..... yeah, I wouldn't say it in a job interview, you know what I mean, it's definitely rough slang. Hx

  27. The word is considered by many as vulgar. See the movie "My Fair Lady".

    In South Africa it is also considered as vulgar

    But then many SA words are considered as swear words in the US.

    Then take the Dutch word for a stud ram. It is callec a "FOKKENSRAM" That means the f word ram.

  28. They can use it as a curse word

    Half of my family is British and they are always going "That bloody cat" or whatever, but it's not actually bloody.

    I think it's used as a curse word, but im not certain. It deff doesnt mean something is bloody, LoL

  29. I come from England and "bloody" is not a curse word, but it is rude to say especially in public meetings and to talk about some one of higher rank then you with that word is thought to be a curse but I don't believe in it. I think everyone is aloud to say what they want.

  30. Yeah, its not considered a good word to use, but it is frequently said by some people. It is sometimes used for comic effect with a really London type accept they usually say, bloody 'ell (bloody h**l)

    but in general, it can be used, but its not tooo socially acceptable.


  31. I'm British and bloody is a swear word but it is usually accepted as a very mild one.

    It's use is as an intensifier eg. It's bloody killing me

    When we were kids, and were told off for saying it,we had a little saying,

    Bloody in the bible, bloody in the book,

    If you don't bloody believe me, have a bloody look.

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