
I know I am over weight and I need help to lost weight!?

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I am 22 years old and 4'10" I know I am over weight. I used to be thin and player soccer and smoke cigarettes until Jan, 07 I quit smoke then I start gain weight and now I cant lost weight. It upset me! I try eat little food because I thought it would help me lost weight if I eat only little bit but one thing I cant stand if I not eat enough then I will get headache that's why I eat until I'm full. And I cant walk long because my heart will start pain and sometime it didnt (I used to be in serious car accident I was only 16 years old and almost died because of my aorta got broke and doctor add pig tube to my heart to save my life) that's why I cant walk long. I dont drink pop I only drink tea cold crew 2 cups of sugar I usually drink all day tea 2 quart and it gone everyday so I make it everyday and sometime I drink green tea citrus. I usually eat healthy (most time) I eat meat, chicken breast, chicken tender, rice, potatoes, corn, green bean, mixed vegatable, pizza (frozen), hamburger, hotdog, chorizo, cereal, bagle with grape jelly and at night I sometime eat grapes or salad depend on my mood and sometime ice cream and sometime brownies, cake. When me and my boyfriend go out eat I usually always drink lemonde or fruit punch and I usually order food meat and corn and mashes potatoes with white gravy. Sometime me and my boyfriend order pizza hut, dominio's we usually order seprates I usually order medium or large pineapple pizza and not eat all of it but left over then I eat it next day like everybody do and sometime bread sticks depend on my mood. My normal weight during when I was smoke I was 100 to 110 until after I quit smoke now I weight about 140 to 150. I feel embarrassed! Every time I saw pretty girl who are thin and have flat stomach and I feel jealous and wish I am thin and wish I never did quit smoke. The reason why I quit smoke is because of my heart hurt and try save money too. I never eat breakfast or lunch. Please help me to start lose weight!!!




  1. Go to your local gymnasium and exercise and if you have the money hire a personal trainer. Good Luck

  2. Hi, three things to do that will help

    1. Gym or just a run, jog or take the dog for a walk (if u have one), that will help a lot for 30mins-1 hr a day

    2. Eat well, the 2 fruit and 5 vege thing is a bit hard but eat a lot of healthy fruits and limit the sweets and unhealthy foods, instead of getting MacDonalds, make a stir fry or maybe wraps or a roasty with a lot of veges and drain the oil from the roast and then have leftovers the next night.

    3. Feel enthusiastic about yourself, make a goal or just push yourself (not to the extremes) but urge yourself to do well in losing weight

    Do these 3 things and it will have a hugew impact on you and your weight and the way u feel.

  3. dont eat at the night and dont eat too much oil food so it ca................

  4. Hi,

    I used to be pretty obese and started putting on a lot of weight especially on my thighs and bottom in my late thirties. I really wanted to do something about it and I started exercising as often as possible and also cut down on a lot of high calorie stuff. Unfortunately I hardly managed to lose any weight at all. I then recently read an article by a lady who claimed that she managed to lose nearly half of her weight using a particular weight loss product. I tried it out and it actually worked really well. Within 4 months I managed to shave off 65 pounds completely. The results were pretty amazing and I feel so much healthier and energetic now without having to carry all that extra weight around. You can read more about the lady's article at the link below

  5. hi, you can lose weight very quickly and efficiently but the rules are very strict: visit this page where there are a number of peoples on a diet called HCG-diet.

    or you could even try this page where there are some medicines for losing fat:

  6. I understand the limits after having partial aortic replacement.  Mine is with dacron vs the pig but same restrictions after.  Did you ever try cardiac rehab?  I have several friends who have said they feel best ever after they went through that and learned exercises they could do.  I also now have leg and spinal problems so can't really walk much but walking or doing some exercises in a pool can be good opitons.

    A couple tips on diet, it is better to eat a little along the way starting with something - even a peice of fruit - for breakfast.  Second, you mention a lot of carbs, ie breads, potatoes.  I have this problem too I love to eat them but they turn into sugars and don't help loosing weight so maybe try cutting them back a little.  It's hard, I feel hungry if I don't eat them too.  Seems most dietary/nutrionist diets tell you to load up on veggies as they have less sugars and calories so no limits on what to eat in that category.

    Almost everybody I know that has stopped smoking gained weight, so kudos for not restarting that!  Good luck!

  7. Well, I already found your first problem. Skipping breakfast is going to be a set-back when trying to lose weight. And skipping lunch is even worse. The reason why breakfast is really important is because while you sleep your metabolism slows down, and when you eat breakfast it starts it back up. This is the same for all "speeds" of metabolism.

    The best way to lose any weight without exercising is eating 5-6 small meals a day. You still need to stay within your daily calorie limit, though. If you snack every few hours rather than eating all your daily calories in one meal, you are keeping your metabolism in momentum. The more often your metabolism is running the more calories your body will use.

    Try to stay away from eating too much bread, rice & potatoes. They carry a lot of carbs, and carbs are energy, and if you aren't working out then your body doesn't need as many carbs as if you were working out. You don't need to cut them completely from your food intake, just eat it in moderation. So if you eat more carbs than you are burning, your body will store it away (fat is unused energy).

    Also, instead of eating frozen pizzas, simply make your own with fresh veggies, or pineapples, and whatever other toppings you like. Foods that are pre-made carry a lot of salt, preservatives and trans fats. Fresh is sooo much better for your body, too, especially if your body is already having trouble feeling normal with your heart.

    Hope I helped :)

  8. Try this, its a gud way to lose 3-5kgs in 7 days. It’s a start, the rest is upto you after this with help of exercise.

    day 1 - only fruits (avoid bananas & milk)

    day 2 - only veggies (avoid any kinda oil or fat)

    day 3 - mix of fruit & veggies (avoid any kinda oil or fat or bananas & milk)

    day 4 - only bananas & milk nothing else

    day 5 - u feast on a cup of rice & six tomatoes & 12 glasses of water

    day 6 - only veggies & 1cup of rice

    day 7 - 1 cup rice, fruit juice and the vegetables you care to consume. Tomorrow morning you will be 3-5 Kgs lighter than 1 week ago.

    Things to remember & (strictly) follow during the seven day program:

    •No smoking or drinking during this period

    •Drink a lot of water during the diet period (minimum of 8 to 10 glasses per day)

    •Strictly no oily food or in-between junk food during the diet period

    •No tea or coffee during these 7days with milk or sugar, if required u can have a cup a day of black tea or coffee

    •No sweet food during the diet period

    •Any cooking done needs to have less salt, less oil but can have condiments to make the food taste better

    • Do not continue this diet after seven days. This can be done only once in 3months.

    •Trust in your diet, it will show you the difference

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