I am 22 years old and 4'10" I know I am over weight. I used to be thin and player soccer and smoke cigarettes until Jan, 07 I quit smoke then I start gain weight and now I cant lost weight. It upset me! I try eat little food because I thought it would help me lost weight if I eat only little bit but one thing I cant stand if I not eat enough then I will get headache that's why I eat until I'm full. And I cant walk long because my heart will start pain and sometime it didnt (I used to be in serious car accident I was only 16 years old and almost died because of my aorta got broke and doctor add pig tube to my heart to save my life) that's why I cant walk long. I dont drink pop I only drink tea cold crew 2 cups of sugar I usually drink all day tea 2 quart and it gone everyday so I make it everyday and sometime I drink green tea citrus. I usually eat healthy (most time) I eat meat, chicken breast, chicken tender, rice, potatoes, corn, green bean, mixed vegatable, pizza (frozen), hamburger, hotdog, chorizo, cereal, bagle with grape jelly and at night I sometime eat grapes or salad depend on my mood and sometime ice cream and sometime brownies, cake. When me and my boyfriend go out eat I usually always drink lemonde or fruit punch and I usually order food meat and corn and mashes potatoes with white gravy. Sometime me and my boyfriend order pizza hut, dominio's we usually order seprates I usually order medium or large pineapple pizza and not eat all of it but left over then I eat it next day like everybody do and sometime bread sticks depend on my mood. My normal weight during when I was smoke I was 100 to 110 until after I quit smoke now I weight about 140 to 150. I feel embarrassed! Every time I saw pretty girl who are thin and have flat stomach and I feel jealous and wish I am thin and wish I never did quit smoke. The reason why I quit smoke is because of my heart hurt and try save money too. I never eat breakfast or lunch. Please help me to start lose weight!!!